
音标: 英 [bʌs] 美 [bʌs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 接吻, 双桅捕鲭渔船
v. 接吻

n the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof)
n a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport
n the topology of a network whose components are connected by a busbar
n an electrical conductor that makes a common connection between several circuits
n a car that is old and unreliable
v touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.
v send or move around by bus
v ride in a bus
v remove used dishes from the table in restaurants


1. Oh, man, I've just been bussing tables.

天呐 就我还在擦桌子呢

2. You know, bussing tables in the cafeteria, like I did.


3. G'ulom's been bussing them in since last night.


4. I had to take four different busses just to get there.


5. Then I got bussed to the finish line over an hour ago.


6. I, uh, washed dishes in a diner, bussed tables.

我曾在餐厅刷盘子 收拾桌子

7. Hey, eight hasn't been bussed in, like, 20 minutes.


8. I've seen trees grow faster than he's bussing that table.

他黏在桌子上的工夫 连树都蹿高了

9. No, now, see, I was about 19, bussing tables right here.

我当时十九岁左右 就在这里擦桌子
