
音标: 英 [ˈwelə] 美 [ˈwɛlɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 美国威乐(公司名);韦勒(姓氏)

a in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury; at least I feel well"
s resulting favorably
s wise or advantageous and hence advisable


1. Weller wasn't objective, and he brought out the best in you.

威勒那时也不够客观 于是让激发出了你善良的一面

2. Weller wouldn't want us to focus on him.


3. Weller and his team were accused of terrori*.


4. Weller, something's wrong. I can't reach the team.

威勒 有点不对劲 我联系不到他们了

5. Weller was sitting right in that window with a with a woman.

威勒就坐在窗边 和一个女人一起

6. Weller, the warhead just disappeared from our screens.

威勒 那个弹头从屏幕上消失了

7. Weller, I'm sending you an upload link now.

威勒 我把上传的链接发给你

8. Weller, we got the evidence, we're coming back to you now.

威勒 我们拿到证据了 现在回去找你

9. Weller, you need to sit down and put those cuffs back on.

威勒 你得坐下 戴上手铐

10. Weller will have to go with it or he might just catch a bullet.

威勒必须接受 否则他可能会中弹
