
音标: 英 [ˌdefə'renʃəlɪ] 美 [ˌdefə'renʃəlɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


adv. 表示敬意地, 谦恭地

r. in a servile manner
r. in a respectfully deferential manner


1. We're not being kind and deferential to the frontrunner.

我们不能再温和 屈从于领先者

2. They're being far too deferential so I need you to be tough.

他们畏首畏尾了 我需要你足够强势

3. I don't think I could've taken any more of this deferential nonsense.

我都快受不了你这副低眉顺眼 假装恭敬服从的模样了

4. Why? I've been trying to be deferential, but I think it's coming off as patronizing.

为什么 我一直努力对她恭敬 但她可能觉得我是自视高她一等

5. The redhead was deferential, like the other guy was his boss.

那个红头发很恭敬 好像另一个是他的老大

6. Do you know, I am amazed by the deferential regard you people hold for rotting flesh.

你知道吗 你们人类对腐肉毕恭毕敬的样子 真是太有意思了

7. With all due respect, having an affair with opposing counsel isn't deferential to the victims either.

恕我直言 与对方律师有染 恐怕也不太尊重这些受害者吧
