
音标: 英 [klaɪˈmæktɪk] 美 [klaɪˈmæktɪk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 顶点的, 高潮的

a. consisting of or causing a climax


1. This is the climactic scene right before she jumps off.


2. But that didn't quite give the story the climactic ending that it deserved.

但这没有给故事带来 它应得的*结局

3. The dream role quickly became a nightmare when flames got out of control during the climactic burning scene.

她梦寐以求的角色很快变成了她的噩梦 在拍摄电影的*片段 火刑场景时 火势失控了

4. The climactic set piece of the house is in a central hall where two great masterpieces of ancient sculpture face off.

这栋别墅最精彩的部分 在中央大厅之中 两座古代雕塑杰作面对面陈列着
