
音标: 英 [ˈfɜ:mwɛə] 美 [ˈfɚmˌwɛr]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[计] 固件

n. (computer science) coded instructions that are stored permanently in read-only memory


1. I'm hacking the firmware like we discussed.


2. Except the tracking firmware seems to be malfunctioning.


3. They wanna sign their own firmware and bypass my patch.

他们想自己给固件签名 绕过我的补丁

4. He wrote an executable into the firmware update that identified the sender.

他在固件更新里 写了个能识别发送者的可执行文件

5. Skye, try to restore some of the firmware in the plane's systems.

斯凯 尽量 从飞机系统的固件里恢复信息

6. remotely disabling my car's firmware so I can't drive isn't enough.

远程禁用我的汽车固件 让我开不成车还不够

7. This clearly isn't the first time you've hacked the firmware on a router.

这显然不是你第一次 黑入路由器固件了

8. But your traitorous dead friend here was right about the bug installed in the latest firmware.

不过你这个叛徒朋友倒是没说错 最新固件里有木马

9. We're finding some malware baked deep into the latest firmware, impossible to reformat.

我们发现最新的固件中 被深层植入了流氓软件 无法被格式化

10. I can send new firmware directly into the jet's comm system.

