
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE




1. Erich, you don't have to answer that question.

埃里克 你不需要回答这个问题

2. Erich gave it to him to take care of me after his death.

埃里克给他的 好在他死后让我有钱用

3. Erich, I need you to pull up the files on our friend in the basement.

埃里希 我要你调出 关于地下室那位朋友的文件

4. Erich, we let you drag this out until the 11th hour to see if he would crack.

埃里克 我们已经允许你拖到最后一刻 看他会不会失控了

5. Erich wanted to know about his mother, what she was like when she was a little girl, young woman, before she fell down the rabbit hole.

埃里克想了解他的母亲 想知道她小时候 年轻时 还没染上*时是什么样子
