
音标: 英 ['kælvinizm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 加尔文主义

n. the theological system of John Calvin and his followers emphasizing omnipotence of God and salvation by grace alone


1. Calvin should have killed you when he had the chance.


2. Calvin, II don't have a clue what I'm doing here.

卡尔文 我现在毫无头绪

3. Calvin, I have to do what's best for my client.

加尔文 我必须为我的当事人着想

4. Calvin, I didn't realize I had a boss.

卡尔文 我怎么不知道我还有老板

5. Calvin, I have a few questions about my character.

卡尔文 我有几个角色的问题

6. Calvin, I'm a part of this neighborhood, too.

卡尔文 我也是这个社区的一份子

7. Calvin, we already do have a problem.

卡尔文 我们已经有麻烦了

8. Calvin, I really do, but I need you to bear with me.

凯文 我真的理解你们 就是你们得再忍忍

9. Calvin, sweetheart, we're here to see the children.

卡尔文 亲爱的 我们是来看孩子们的

10. Calvin, it's not gonna make any difference.

卡尔文 我去问了也没用
