组词“a disaster area”的意思

词组 a disaster area
释义 a diˈsaster area1. (informal) a place or situation that has a lot of problems, is a failure, or is badly organized 问题重重(或乱七八糟)的地方;灾难性局面The room was a disaster area (= very untidy), with stuff piled everywhere and nowhere to sit.屋里乱七八糟,东西堆得到处都是,连坐的地方都没有。The current system of taxation is a disaster area.目前的税收体制问题重重。2. a place where a disaster has happened and which needs special help 灾区After the floods, the whole region was declared a disaster area.洪水过后,整个地区被宣布为灾区。

