
单词 rhamnetin
释义 rhamnetin Chem.|ˈræmnɪtɪn|
Also -ine.
[Arbitrarily f. rhamnus: see -in1.]
A yellow crystalline substance obtained from rhamnin.
1858Gellatly in Edin. New Phil. Jrnl. (N.S.) VII. 257 The pale yellow matter separated by boiling with the dilute mineral acids, according to the nomenclature in use.., should receive the name of Xanthorhamnetine, but..I propose to..call it simply Rhamnetine.1861Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XIII. 327 Rhamnetin.
So (in the names of chemical substances, chiefly crystallizable principles, obtainable from Rhamnus): ˈrhamnin (also -ine); ˈrhamnite; ˈrhamno-, used as combining form of Rhamnus (the genus), in rhamnoxanthin, etc.
1843Ann. Chym. & Pharm. I. 407 While the juice of the [buckthorn] berries is undergoing fermentation, a portion of *rhamnin gathers on the surface of the liquid.1844Chem. Gaz. II. 430 Rhamnine, under the influence of oxydising agents,..becomes of a dark yellow colour.
1894Morley & Muir Dict. Chem., *Rhamnite C6H14O5..Formed by reducing isodulcite with sodium-amalgam in a solution kept nearly neutral by H2SO4.
1854Chem. Gaz. XII. 129 *Rhamnoxanthine is dissolved by ammonia and the fixed alkalies with a purple-red colour.1868Watts Dict. Chem., Rhamnocathartin,..the uncrystallizable bitter principle of buckthorn berries... Rhamnotannic acid,..obtained in the preparation of rhamnocathartin.1890Jrnl. Soc. Chem. Industry IX. 1141/2 Rhamno-hexose..is obtained by reducing a solution of the lactone of rhamnohexonic acid by 2½ per cent. sodium amalgam.

