
单词 ratton
释义 ratton Now Sc. and north. dial.|ˈræt(ə)n|
Forms: 4–5 ratoun, 5 ratone, -un, 4–6 (9) raton; 6 Sc. ratto(u)ne, 7 rattin, 6 Sc., 7– ratton, 8– ratten, 8–9 rattan.
[a. OF. raton, f. rat rat n.1 Cf. Sp. raton, med.L. rato, ratōnis.]
A rat.
1300–20in Rel. Ant. II. 78 Wessele, reheite. ratonz, raz. molde warpes, taupaines.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. Prol. 146 Wiþ þat ran þere a route of ratones..And smale mys with hem.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xiv. 64 Þai ete cattes and hundes, ratouns and myesse.1486Bk. St. Albans C j b, The fleshe of a kydde..and especiall Ratonys flesh.1552Lyndesay Monarche 3985 Necessitie gart thame eit perforsse Dog, Catt and Rattone.1601Holland Pliny viii. xxxvi. 216 At the first, they [bear-whelps] seeme to be a lumpe of white flesh without all forme, little bigger than rattons.1617R. Brathwait Law of Drinking 32 When I'm drunke as any Rattin, Then I rap out nought but Lattin.1785Burns Vision i. iii, I..heard the restless rattons squeak About the riggin.1849C. Brontë Shirley iii. 67 As much better..as a bull's bellow than a ratton's squeak.1894Crockett Raiders 59 A ratton's bite's poisonous.
fig.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) V. 119 Spadones..he clepede..ratouns of þe paleys.a1585Montgomerie Flyting w. Polwart 288 Reavens rugand at that ratton [a child].1661Sir A. Haslerig's Last Will Suppl. 6 The inraged Tygre no sooner furrowed his Front, then this feverish Ratoun let fall his Crest.
b. attrib., as ratton bane, ratton fell, ratton man, ratton poison; ratton-bread, a poisoned paste for killing rats.
1544T. Phaer Pestilence (1553) K vij, *Ratten bane, or other suche lyke kyndes of venymes.
1396Whitby Abbey Rolls (Whitby Gl.), For Sperstane and *Ratonbrede, 1s 6d.1876Whitby Gloss., Ratton-breead.
c1400Turnam. Tottenham 150 in Hazl. E.P.P. III. 89 Theire baner was ful bryȝt Off an olde *raton fell.
1481–90Howard Househ. Bks. (Roxb.) 51 The xx. day of April, I..toke the *raten man iij. s. iiij. d.
1590in Pitcairn Crim. Trials (Bann.) I. iii. 195 To pas to Elgyne for bying *rattoun poysoune.

