
单词 eke
释义 I. eke, n.1 Obs. exc. dial.|iːk|
Forms: 1 éaca, 3, 6, 9 eke, Sc. (6 eik, 7 eeke). See also eche n.
[OE. éaca = ON. auke:—OTeut. *aukon-, f. same root as eche v.]
1. An addition, increase; a piece added on; a supplement. In OE., A reinforcement (of troops).
894O.E. Chron. (Parker MS.) Him com micel eaca to.a1000Sal. & Sat. 460 (Gr.) Forþon is witena ᵹehwam wopes eaca.1786Geddes Prosp. New Trans. Bible 95 The words in Italics..are generally ill-assorted and clumsy ekes.Mod. Sc. It would be too short without an eke.
2. spec.
a. A tag to a bell-rope; also attrib., as in bell-eke. Also eche.
b. A short straw or wooden cylinder on which a beehive is placed to increase its capacity.
1549in Miss T. Smith Rotherham Acc. (1878) 12 Paid to Robt. Machon for a neke to our gret Bell.1566Rogers Agric. & Prices III. 577/2, 6 ekes for bell ropes 1/4.1594in Miss T. Smith Rotherham Acc. (1878) 12 Payd unto Robert Okes for 10 payre of bell ekes 10s.1857C. B. Robinson Gloss. Best's Farm. Bks. 184 Underlay. Now called ekes; additional bands of straw placed beneath the hive.
3. Sc. (16th and 17th c.) A supplement, postscript, appendix to a formal document.
1568Declar. Murray, &c. in H. Campbell Love-lett. Mary Q. Scots 11 The eik or additioun to our answer.a1651Calderwood Hist. Kirk (1843) II. 451 The other partie had givin in an eeke or additioun to their former answere.
4. In advb. phrase, to eken (OE. tó éacan) in addition, besides, contracted in ME. into teken, q.v. Also, in same sense, on eke.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. i, Þæt wæs to eacan oþrum unarimeðum yflum.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 51 To eken oþer þo gremeden hem sore.a1225Ancr. R. 174 Þe nome of Hester ne seið nout one ‘abscondita’..auh deð þer teken ‘eleuata in populis’.a1310in Wright Lyric P. 34 Hire chyn ys chosen, ant eyther cheke Whit ynoh ant rode on eke.
II. eke, n.2 dial.
A male salmon.
1887Pall Mall. G. 22 Aug. 10/2 It [a salmon] was a male fish, or what is known in the north of England amongst fishermen as an ‘eke’.
III. eke, v.|iːk|
Forms: 1 (see eche v.), 2–3 eken, 4–6 ek, (4 ayke, ȝeke(n), 5–8 eek(e, 6–7 eak(e, (7 eck, eyk), 4– eke, 5– Sc. eik.
[partly f. eke n.1; partly dial. (northern) form of eche v.]
1. trans. To increase, add to, lengthen. Also absol. neither to eke nor to pair (Sc.): neither to add to nor take from. Proverb, every little ekes. arch. or dial.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 57 Þe holie man fasteð forto..eken his holinesse.a1300E.E. Psalter civ. [cv.] 24 He ayked his folk swith mikel on an.c1400Apol. Loll. 13 Nowe..þe pricis are ekid.Ibid. 26 Þey..ȝekun þer synnis.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (1840) 133 Theyr bounté for to eeke.1530Palsgr. 531/2, I eke..my gowne is to shorte for me, but I wyll eke it.1566Knox Hist. Ref. Wks. (1846) I. 130 This miserie..which the malice of man cane neyther eak nor paire.1599Harsnet Agst. Darell 193 As they say, Every thing Eiketh.1609Skene Reg. Maj. 96 Quhen the partie hes named ane certaine number of witnes, he may not thereafter eike, nor pair the number of the witnes.1639J. Clarke Parœmiol. 10 A litle eekes.1650Fuller Pisgah 372 It not being princely to..eek the same [the vail of the tabernacle] another was contrived.1731Pope Ep. Burlington 32 Some patch'd dog⁓hole ek'd with ends of wall.1755Smollett Quix. (1803) II. 258 Without eking or curtailing God's precious truth.1829Clare Ode Autumn, Anniversary 76 The moaning brook, that ekes its weary speed.
b. intr. To increase, grow. Obs.
1535Stewart Chron. Scot. III. 162 His power eikit so and grew.
2. To add. Const. til, to. Also absol. Obs.
c1200Ormin 16352 Ȝiff þu takesst twiȝȝes an And ekesst itt till fowwre.a1300Cursor M. 21194 Þar-til þai eked mar and mare.c1425Wyntoun Cron. viii. xxvi. 190 Sal I ek til Goddis wengeance?1549Compl. Scot. xv. 123 Ther can na thing be eikkyt to my parsecutione bot cruel dede.1634–46Row Hist. Kirk (1842) 17 We..conforme..to the notes and additions thereto eiked.1733Neal Hist. Purit. II. 14 His Majesty..eked others that I had omitted.
3. to eke out:
a. to supplement, supply the deficiencies of anything (const. with); esp. to make (resources, materials, articles of consumption, etc.) last the required time by additions, by partial use of a substitute, or by economy.
1596Bp. Barlow Three Serm. iii. 133 Not to bee so..giuen to spending..but eeke it out to the vtmost.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. i. ii. 209 Ros. The little strength that I haue, I would it vvere with you. Cel. And mine to eeke out hers.1623Lisle ælfric on O. & N.T. To Rdr. 6 Best is he that inuents, the next he that followes forth and eekes out a good inuention.1719De Foe Crusoe (1858) 140 My ink..had been gone..all but a very little, which I eked out with water.1788Burns Extempore 2 Lawyers, But what his common sense came short, He eked out wi' law, man.1872Baker Nile Tribut. xx. 353, I determined to start..to eke out our scanty supply of water.1874Sayce Compar. Philol. i. 25 The meaning of their [savage races'] words has to be eked out by gesture.1878H. S. Wilson Alp. Ascents ii. 57 After a glass apiece we eke out the remainder with snow.
b. To prolong (a speech or composition, an action) by expedients devised for that purpose; to contrive to fill up (a certain amount of space in writing, etc.).
1641Milton Animadv. (1851) 245 Your reverence to eek out your sermonings shall need repaire to Postills, or Polianthea's.a1656Ussher Ann. vi. (1658) 551 As for his ecking out..the Siege, it was done upon good grounds.1747Johnson Plan Eng. Dict. Wks. IX. 186 To eke out any thing, signifies to lengthen it beyond its just dimensions, by some low artifice.1847Barham Ingol. Leg. (1877) 289 Enough to have eked out a decent-sized volume.1865Livingstone Zambesi xi. 236 He..eked out the measure with a peculiar musical sound.
c. To contrive to make (a livelihood), or to support (existence) by various makeshifts.
1825T. Jefferson Autobiog. Wks. 1859 I. 89 To eke out the existence of the people, every person..was called on for a weekly subscription.1845Darwin Voy. Nat. ii. (1879) 19 Some runaway slaves..contrived to eke out a subsistence.1875Farrar Seekers i. i. 12 To eke out a scanty livelihood.
4. to eke up: to supply, repair (a loss). Obs.
1633D. Rogers Treat. Sacr. ii. 53 What meanes are so like to eike up..spiritual losses, as the Supper of the Lord?
IV. eke, adv. arch.|iːk|
Forms: 1–2 éac, (1 ǽc, éc), 3–4 ec, ek, 3 æac, ok, 4–6 eek(e, (4 heke, yke), 6–7 eake, Sc. 6 eik(e, 8 eek, 3– eke.
[Com. Teut.:—OE. éac = OFris. âk, OS. ôk (Du. ook), OHG. ouh (MHG. ouch, mod.G. auch), ON. auk ‘also’ (Da. og. Sw. och ‘and’), Goth. auk for, but. The ultimate origin is uncertain; some connect the word with the root of eke v., while others consider it f. Aryan *au again + *ge particle of emphasis; cf. Gr. αὖ γε. The form ok in 13th c. is app. a. ON.]
Also, too, moreover; in addition.
Beowulf 3131 (Gr.) Dracan ec scufun Wyrm ofer weall clif.a700Epinal Gloss. 846 Quinetiam, æc þan..æc don.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xi. 9 Ic eow secᵹe, eac maran þonne witeᵹan.1154O.E. Chron. an. 1118 Eac on þison ᵹeare wæs unᵹemetliche mycel wind.c1175Lamb. Hom. 3 Mid his apostles and ec mid oðere floc manna.c1175Cott. Hom. 221 Swa mihte æac þe oðre.a1225Ancr. R. 56 Vor þæt ec þæt he dude hire was iðe frumðe sore hire unðonckes.a1300Havelok 200 Þe beste, fayreste, the strangest ok.c1325E.E. Allit. P. A. 210 Her here heke al hyr vmbe-gon.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. i. 88 And eke I-liknet to vr lord.c1386Chaucer Prol. 757 Eke therto he was right a mery man.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 565 The ende is dethe of male and eke femele.1500–20Dunbar How Dunbar ane Freir 38 In it haif I in pulpet gon and preichit In Derntoun kirk, and eik in Canterberry.1580Sidney Arcadia ii. 219 These forrests eke, made wretched by our music.1616R. C. Times' Whis. v. 1658 But eke doth comprehend That base vnmanly sinne of drunkennesse.1759Sterne Tr. Shandy ii. ii. 39 Supposing the wax good, and eke the thimble.a1856Longfellow Childr. Lord's Supper 122 Answered the young men Yes! and Yes! with lips softly breathing answered the maidens eke.

