
单词 garment
释义 I. garment, n.|ˈgɑːmənt|
Forms: α. 4 garnyment (pl. garnemens), 4–5 garnement, 5 garneament. β. 4– garment, (6 Sc. garmont, -mond, germo(u)nt).
[a. OF. garniment, garnement (pl. garnemens) equipment, armour, vestments (in mod.F. only mauvais garnement rascal, or ellipt. for this) = OSp. guarnimiento, It. guarnimento, f. Rom. *gwarnire, OF. and mod.F. garnir to furnish, fit out, equip; see garnish. The α-forms were the commoner down to c 1500; the β-form seems to have originated in the north.]
1. Any article of dress: in sing. esp. an outer vestment, a gown or cloak; in pl. = clothes. Now somewhat rhetorical.
α13..Seuyn Sag. (W.) 2775 He let him make a garnement, Ase blak as ani arnement.c1380Sir Ferumb. 1395 Ryche garnymentz forþ sche drow, & by-tok hymen for to were.1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) iv. xxxvi. 84 A thycke chosen garnement a trayling gowne of twelue yerdes wyde.1483Caxton G. de la Tour B vij b, For her pourfyls of her garnements ne of her hodes ben not grete ynough after the gyse that now is used.
β1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 521 A rym þat es ful wlatsome, Es his garment when he forth sal com.c1400Destr. Troy 1366 Pepull..no hede toke Of golde ne of garmenttes, ne of goode stonys.c1440Promp. Parv. 187/2 Garment of clothe, made of dyuers clothys (P. colours), panucia.1535Coverdale Ecclus. xxvii. 9 Yf thou folowest righteousnes, thou shalt get her, and put her vpon y⊇ as a fayre garment.1605Shakes. Lear iii. vi. 84 You sir, I entertaine for one of my hundred; only, I do not like the fashion of your garments.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxiv. 209 Where extraordinary Understanding, though but in making [Aaron's] Garments..is called the Spirit of God.1732T. Lediard Sethos II. viii. 739 He got a sort of garment made for each of them.1822W. Irving Braceb. Hall iii. 22, I have a reverence for these old garments.1886M. F. Sheldon tr. Flaubert's Salammbo 18 This garment..swung down over his shoulders in such a manner as to effectually hide his face in shadow.
b. fig. The outward dress or covering in which anything is seen or manifested.
1585Abp. Sandys Serm. iv. 77 If thou be cloathed with the sweete garment of the sonne of God.a1631Donne Serm. lxxvi. 768 Gods garments, those Scriptures in which God hath apparelled and exhibited his will.1829Carlyle Misc. (1857) II. 78 The veil and mysterious garment of the Unseen.1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. xiii. (1878) 247 To put these forms into the garments of words.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. vi. 134 The..garment of the flesh..encircles the human soul, and is the instrument of expression to it.
2. Comb., as garment-dyer, garment-maker, garment-making, garment-trade, garment-worker.
1596J. Norden Progr. Pietie (1847) 173 Be not beholden to any nation for such trumpery, neither to the garmentmaker.1876Rock Text. Fabr. i. 1 Other appliances for garment-making.1885Instr. Census Clerks 72 [Subdivisions of the Dyer's trade] Clothes, Garment Dyer.1891Pall Mall G. 19 Nov. 6/3 At a meeting of the National Convention of Garment Workers..it was charged that the Hirsch Fund would be a certain cause of sweating in the garment trade.
II. garment, v.|ˈgɑːmənt|
[f. prec. n.]
trans. To dress or clothe; chiefly in pa. pple. garmented.
1614Camden Rem. 233 And thus were they garmented.1623tr. Favine's Theat. Hon. ix. xii. 417 Neither might garment themselves but with course Hempen and Hurden cloth.1861J. Thomson Ladies of Death vii, Thou standest garmented in purest white.
b. transf. and fig.
a1547Surrey Poems, Compl. Lover that defied Love 4 He clothed fair the earth about with green, and every tree new garmented.1801Southey Thalaba viii. x, Garmented with glory, in their sight Oneiza's Spirit stood.a1851Moir Poems, Dying Spaniel v, When the snow-mantle garments the land.1862Longfellow Wayside Inn Prel. 129 Great volumes garmented in white, Recalling Florence, Pisa, Rome.
Hence ˈgarmenting vbl. n.
1614Camden Rem. 237 There will be..strange garmenting of the body, not without deformitie of the minde.

