
单词 Sabellian
释义 I. Sabellian, a.1 and n.1 Theol.|səˈbɛlɪən|
[ad. eccl. L. Sabelliān-us, f. Sabelli-us (see B): see -an.]
A. adj. Pertaining to the Sabellians (see B) or their doctrine.
1577Hanmer Anc. Eccl. Hist. vii. v. 126 Of the Sabellian heresie... The Sabellian heretickes.1720Waterland Eight Serm. 4 Under the Sabellian Interpretation I include all that belongs to Men of Sabellian Principles.1848R. I. Wilberforce Doctr. Incarnation ix. 259 The Sabellian theory is, that there exists no real diversity of Persons in the Ever-Blessed Trinity.
B. n. One who accepts the view of Sabellius (an African heresiarch of the third century) that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are merely different aspects or modes of manifestation of one Divine person. Cf. modalist.
1402Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 92 He is callid an heretike that heresies sowith, as Arrians, Wyclyfanes, Sabellyanes, and other.1556Clement in Strype Eccl. Mem. III. App. lxi. 214 From all Arians, Eutichians, Manichians, Sabellians..and all other heretikes.1685Rycaut tr. Platina's Lives Popes 52 The Sabellians..asserted that the Father, Son, and holy Ghost were but one Person.1702Echard Eccl. Hist. (1710) 619 Tho' those who then held this opinion were call'd Sabellians, yet the heresie itself was more ancient than Sabellius.1850Robertson Serm. Ser. iii. iv. (1872) 45 Sabellians, or worshippers of one person under three different manifestations.
II. Sabellian, a.2 and n.2 Hist.|səˈbɛlɪən|
[f. L. Sabell-us + -ian.]
a. adj. Pertaining to a group of related peoples who inhabited certain parts of ancient Italy, comprising the Sabines, Samnites, Campanians, and others. Also, of or pertaining to the language of the Sabellians.
b. n. A person belonging to any of these peoples. Also, any of the numerous dialects of Italic spoken by the Sabellians.
In Latin poetry Sabellī is commonly used as a synonym of Sabīnī. The use of Sabellian by modern writers is somewhat arbitrary.
1601Holland Pliny I. 64 Of Samnites, whom the Greekes called Sabellians and Saunites, The Colonie Bouianum, the old.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. I. 277 The territory of those Sabellian tribes [sc. the Sabines, Marsians, Pelignians, Vestinians, and Samnites], which are here classed together, includes the central heights and valleys of the Apennines.1880Encycl. Brit. XIII. 445/2 Oscan is..a useful term to designate the nation or group of tribes composed of the Samnites, together with their descendants or offshoots, the Campanians, Lucanians, and Bruttians. The name Sabellians, used by the Roman poets, has been employed by some modern writers in much the same signification.1904C. D. Buck Gram. Oscan & Umbrian 3 The Oscan-Umbrian group..includes also the dialects of most of the minor tribes of central Italy, which may be conveniently designated as Sabellian.Ibid., Strictly speaking the Samnite tribes were Sabellian, and their language, the Oscan, a Sabellian dialect.1939[see Latino-Faliscan s.v. Latino-].1939[see Marsian n. and a.].1972W. B. Lockwood Panorama Indo-Europ. Lang. 58 A few early inscriptions characterised as Sabellian show that this dialect was closely akin to Oscan.

