
单词 complected
释义 complected, ppl. a.2 U.S. dial. or colloq.|kəmˈplɛktɪd|
[app. f. complexion (complect-ion) + -ed.]
= complexioned.
1806Lewis in Lewis & Clark Exped. (1905) III. 315 They are..reather lighter complected and much more illy formed than the Indians of the Missouri.1822Amer. Beacon (Norfolk, Va.) 8 Jan. 3/3 (Advt.), He is well made, light complected.a1860Western Sk., That lady is mighty pale complected.Widow Bedott Papers (Bartlett), You're rather dark complected.1873T. W. Higginson Oldport Days vii. 167 ‘Dark complected’, was the reply.1883‘Mark Twain’ Life Mississippi lix, Monstrous bluffs on both sides of the river—ragged, rugged, dark complected.a1910‘O. Henry’ Trimmed Lamp (1916) 67 A heavy-sot man, sandy complected, about twenty-nine.1932W. Faulkner Light in Aug. ii. 46 They told me the man they meant wasn't dark complected.

