
单词 unfatherly
释义 unˈfatherly, a.
[un-1 7. Cf. Du. onvaderlijk, MHG. and G. unväterlich, Da. ufaderlig, MSw. ofaderelik; also OE. unfæderlíce adv.]
Unbefitting a father.
1621J. Taylor (Water P.) Unnatural Father Wks. (1630) 138/1 So hee performed his last vnfatherly deed vpon her.1621Lady M. Wroth Urania 209 To trie, if by his vnfatherly tortures, shee may bee wrought to leaue louing you.1784Cowper Tiroc. 866 Nature, pulling at thine heart, Condemns th' unfatherly, th' imprudent part.1944S. Bellow Dangling Man 20 It might be considered unmanly or unfatherly to fall sick.
Hence unˈfatherliness.
1850L. Hunt Autobiog. xxv. III. 285 No hell. No unfatherliness. No monstrous exactions of assent to the incredible.

