
单词 ungroundedness
释义 unˈgroundedness
[un-1 12.]
The quality or state of being ungrounded: a. Of persons.
1628Bp. Hall Old Relig. Ded. 8 b, The cause..was, their vngroundednes in the points of Catechisme.1652Gaule Magastrom. 28 Away, then, with that excuse, from the folly, errour, and ungroundedness of the artsmen!
b. Of opinions, statements, etc.
1637Bastwick Litany iii. 7 Besides the impiety, vanity, and ungroundednes of it, let us looke..into the needlesnesse and unprofitablenes of it.1688Steele Old Age 284 The folly and ungroundedness of this Imagination, is obvious.1804Ann. Rev. II. 296 We mention this..to expose the utter ungroundedness of the writer's speculation.

