
单词 undealt
释义 unˈdealt, ppl. a.
[un-1 8 b. Cf. OFris. unideld, ondeld, MDu. ongedeelt (Du. -deeld), OHG. unchideilit (G. ungeteilt), ON. údeildr (Da. udelt, Sw. odelad) undivided, unshared.]
1. Undivided. (OE. undǽled.)
a1300Cursor M. 9761 An-fald godd vndelt es he.
2. Not dealt with.
1645Milton Tetrach. Introd., Unadmonisht, undealt with by any Pastorly or brotherly convincement.1648Hexham ii, Ongehandelt, Vnhandled, or Vndealt withall.1870Proctor Other Worlds xiii. 319 note, Certain difficulties suggest themselves which must not be left undealt with.

