
单词 sardoin
释义 I. sardoin, n. Obs.
Forms: 3–5 sardone, 3 sardoine, 5 -oyne, 7 sardoin.
[a. OF. sardoine, ad. L. sardonyx sardonyx.]
= sardonyx.
a1272Luue Ron 173 in O.E. Misc. 98 Hwat spekstu of eny stone þat beoþ in vertu..Of iaspe of saphir of sardone [etc.].a1300Floriz & Bl. 285 Þe smale stones..beoþ þer funden..Boþe saphirs and sardoines.c1400Mandeville (1839) xxvii. 275 The principalle Ȝates of his Palays ben of precious Ston, that men clepen Sardoyne [Roxb. xxx. 136 sardones].1601Holland Pliny II. 615 The ground of these Sardoins is found in the Indian stones to resemble wax or horne.
II. sardoin, a. Obs. rare—1.
[ad. L. sardonius (? influenced in form by prec.).]
Epithet of the herb fabled to produce ‘sardonic’ laughter.
1633P. Fletcher Purple Isl. viii. 48 The Sardoin herb with many branches filling His [Flattery's] shield, was his device: the word, I please in killing.

