
单词 scholastic
释义 scholastic, a. and n.|skəʊˈlæstɪk, skɒ-|
[ad. L. scholasticus, a. Gr. σχολαστικός studious, learned, subst. a learned man, scholar, f. σχολάζειν to devote one's leisure (to learning), orig. to be at leisure, f. σχολή leisure: see school n.
Cf. F. scolastique, Pr. escolastic, Sp. escolástico, It. scolastico, G. scholastisch adj., scholastiker n.]
A. adj.
1. Of persons: Having the characteristics of the scholar or student, as distinguished from the man of affairs. Obs.
1641Milton Reform. ii. 72 Then shall the Nobles possesse all the Dignities and Offices of temporall honour to them⁓selves, sole Lords without the improper mixture of Scholastick, and pusillanimous upstarts, the Parliament shall void her Upper House of the same Annoyances [etc.].
2. Of or pertaining to the teaching or methods of the Schoolmen.
1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. II. 13 This man [Duns Scotus] meruellouslie amplifiet and helpet the scholastik Theologie.1644Milton Educ. 2, I deem it to be an old errour of universities not yet well recover'd from the Scholastick grosnesse of barbarous ages, that..they present their..novices at first comming with the most intellective abstractions of Logick and metaphysicks.1712S. Clarke Script. Doctr. ii. 349 The Scholastick Writers in later Ages, have generally put this matter upon another Foot.1759Goldsm. Polite Learn. xi. Wks. (Globe) 443/2 The absurdities of scholastic philosophy.Ibid. 444/1 This slowness of conferring degrees is a remnant of scholastic barbarity.1770Burke Pres. Discont. Wks. II. 340, I remember an old scholastick aphorism, which says, ‘that the man who lives wholly detached from others, must be either an angel or a devil’.1842Penny Cycl. XXIV. 329/2 Those of the former class [of active mind] sought for satisfaction in the scholastic philosophy... It was for the most part a revival of the philosophy of Aristotle.1873W. G. Ward Ess. Philos. Theism (1884) I. 160 On this particular there is no difference of doctrine, but only of words, between other writers of the scholastic following and the philospher of Königsberg.1884Pennington Wiclif iii. 120 He is answering in a scholastic manner those who had attacked him with the weapons of the schoolmen.
3. Pertaining to schools or school education.
1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. §96 The Bishop of Lincoln..a man of great wit, and good Scholastick learning.1691Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) II. 241 The queen has sent a letter to the vicechanceller of Cambridge, to have an account what persons in any scholastick preferments have not taken the oaths.1751Johnson Rambler No. 137 ⁋11 It is too common for those who have been bred to the scholastick profession..to disregard every other qualification.1791Boswell Johnson an. 1759 I. 190 note, Mr. Muller, of Woolwich Academy, the scholastick father of all the great engineers which this country has employed for forty years.1845R. W. Hamilton Pop. Educ. vii. (ed. 2) 157 Bavaria..has reached the eighth of its people in the number of its scholastic youth.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xiii. III. 297 Carstairs..united great scholastic attainments with great aptitude for civil business.1870Dickens E. Drood iii, A dainty room, with nothing more directly scholastic in it than a terrestial and a celestial globe.
4. Following the methods of the ‘schools’; befitting the school; in bad sense, ‘pedantic, needlessly subtle’ (J.).
1779Johnson L.P., Cowley Wks. II. 28 The following lines of Donne..have something in them too scholastick.1820Hazlitt Lect. Dram. Lit. 266 It [Sidney's Arcadia] is not romantic, but scholastic; not poetry, but casuistry.1869J. Martineau Ess. II. 56 The perspicuous good sense and scholastic precision of Whately.1871Earle Philol. Eng. Tongue §251 The modifying words especially..look very much like scholastic products.
B. n.
1. A Schoolman or a disciple of the Schoolmen; a representative or adherent of the scholastic philosophy.
1644Milton Divorce Introd. 5 Doubt not, worthy Senators, to vindicate the sacred honour and judgment of Moses your predecessor, from the shallow commenting of Scholasticks and Canonists.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. 97 Aristotle, Gassendus, Des Cartes, with the numerous family of the scholastics, all ran into the same trackless error.1818Hallam Mid. Ages (1872) III. 426 It was not only a knowledge of Aristotle that the scholastics of Europe derived.1875Longfellow Monte Cassino vi, In its streets The Angelic Doctor as a school-boy played, And dreamed perhaps the dream that he repeats In ponderous folios for scholastics made.1907Academy 30 Nov. 184/2 In the year 1907..one must hesitate to discuss Antonio Rosmini—the last of the Scholastics.
2. A scholar, man of learning; occas. a mere scholar, as opposed to a man of the world. Obs.
1657Idiota's Div. Love Ded. 2 They perswade themselues..that hee hath taught you more high, and euident truths,..then all the subtile Scholasticks and subtle politicks put together could haue done.1710Steele Tatler No. 244 ⁋2 The Town Orators..despise all Men as unexperienced Scholasticks who wait for an occasion before they speak.1748Hume Ess. Mor. & Polit. (ed. 3) 223, I..am in Danger..of passing for a Pedant and Scholastic.
3. = scholaster. Obs. rare—1.
1844Craik Sk. Hist. Lit. Eng. I. 49 In 1179 it was ordered..that in every cathedral there should be appointed and maintained a head teacher, or scholastic.
4. Hist. (repr. Gr. σχολαστικός). In the Byzantine Empire, an advocate.
1846Penny Cycl. Suppl. II. 558/1 Socrates, the ecclesiastical historian..followed the profession of scholastic or advocate.
5. R.C. Ch. A member of the third grade in the organization of the Society of Jesus.
1876J. Morris in J. H. Pollen Life (1896) 181 Three different communities under one Rector—the novices, scholastics, and Tertian Fathers.1881Memorials Stonyhurst College iii. 21 The English Jesuits had another College in Belgium, at Liége. This was for the higher studies of their own scholastics.
6. An artist who adheres to ‘scholastic’ or academic methods.
1892Daily News 30 Apr. 6/2 Idealists and naturalists, scholastics and impressionists, were necessarily exclusive when each was struggling for the ascendant, and claiming for its school the possession of the truth.

