
单词 frowze
释义 I. frowze, n. Obs.
Also (? 6 frowes), 6–7 frowse, 7–8 fruz, 8 frouze.
[Of uncertain origin; possibly an alteration of frounce, with assimilation to friz, fuzz.]
? A wig of frizzed hair worn by women. Also frowze-, fruz-tower.
1563Foxe A. & M. 919/2 Her two gentlewomen..helped her of therwith [her gowne] and also with her frowes paste and neckerchefe.1670Lady M. Bertie in 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 21 Some ware all small ribban, others brode ribbans..and all frowzes of their owen haire.1676G. Etherege Man of Mode i. i. Wks. (1888) 245 This fine woman, I'll lay my life..has adorned her baldness with a large white fruz.1687Congreve Old Bach. iv. viii, The mother [bought] a great fruz-tower and a fat amber-necklace.1710Brit. Apollo II. No. 101. 3/2 This filthy Fruz I ne'er shall brook.1724[see bull-tour].
II. frowze, v. Obs. exc. dial.
In 7 frouze. Also fruz v.
[related to prec. n.]
trans. To curl, frizz, ruffle, rumple.
1611Florio, Increspare, to crispe, to curle, to frouze. Also to wrimple.1881Isle of Wight Gloss., Frowze, to rumple.

