
单词 tresses
释义 lady's traces, tresses
Also 6–9 lady, ladies' traces, lady's traces.
Name for the plants of the genus Spiranthes (family Orchidaceæ); also locally applied to grasses of the genus Briza.
1548Turner Names of Herbes 70 Satyrion..bryngeth furth whyte floures in the ende of harueste, and it is called Lady traces.1578Lyte Dodoens ii. lvi. 222 The sweete Orchis, or Ladie traces and moste commonly to be found in high, untilled, and dry places.1597Gerarde Herbal i. cii. 168 Friezland Ladie traces hath two small round stones or bulbes.1611Cotgr., Satyrion à trois couillons, Triple Orchis, or triple Ladies traces.1794Martyn Rousseau's Bot. xxvii. 419 The spiral Ophrys commonly called Triple Ladies' Traces.1842C. W. Johnson Farmer's Encycl., Briza media, common quaking grass; ladies' tresses.1848C. A. Johns Week at Lizard 310 Neottia spiralis, Lady's tresses, an orchideous plant about six inches high.

