
单词 frijoles
释义 frijoles, n. pl.
(in Sp. friˈxoles)
Also 6 frisoles, frysoles, 7 frixoles, frizoles, 9 fricollis.
A kind of kidney-bean grown and much used in Mexico. Cf. fasels.
1577Frampton Joyful News 66 b, I doe sende you..certaine Frisoles, that you maie commaunde to bee sowen in the beginning of Marche.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 803 Three boyes sate by eating tosted Mais, with sodden Frizoles in a little pan.1648Gage West Ind. xv. 99 A dish of Frixoles..being black and dry Turkey or French beanes boyled with a little biting Chille.1832Veg. Subst. Food 222 The small black beans called fricollis, which are in general demand all over Mexico, are no doubt a kind of kidney-bean.1840R. H. Dana Bef. Mast xiv. 35 Living upon beef, hard bread, and frijoles, (a peculiar kind of bean, very abundant in California).1854J. L. Stephens Centr. Amer. 27 He..set before us chocolate and what he called the national dish, frijoles, or black beans fried.

