“Bat Mitzvah”的英英意思

单词 Bat Mitzvah
释义 Bat Mitzvah Judaism.|batˈmɪtsva|
Also with lower-case initials and bas |bas| ˈmitzvah, etc.
[Heb., lit. ‘daughter of commandment’; after Bar-Mitzvah.]
a. A Jewish girl who has reached the age of twelve, regarded as the age of religious majority.
b. The ceremony held in celebration of this occasion. Cf. Bar-Mitzvah.
1950Liberal Judaism Dec. 54/1 They also conduct Bar Mitsvo services for their boys at thirteen, and more than 1/4 conduct Bat Mitsvo services for the girls.1952Synagogue Rev. Mar. 223/1 A bar mitsvah and bat mitsvah class meets on Wednesdays at 5 p.m.1952Amer. Jewish Yearbk. 156 Half of the congregations permit girls to be bas mitzvah.1959D. D. Runes Conc. Dict. Judaism 31/2 Non-orthodox synagogues have a Bat Mitzvah ceremony for girls.1962New Jewish Encycl. 43/1 All branches of Judaism oppose the cessation of Jewish education after Bar Mitzvah is reached. Some congregations have instituted a corresponding ceremony for girls called Bat (Bas) Mitzvah.1969S. B. Freehof Current Reform Responsa 70 His daughter was Bat Mitzvah at the age of twelve.1977Washington Post 3 Dec. b10/6 He..prepared young people for bar and bat mitzvahs.1980N.Y. Times 11 Sept. a19/3 Before my bas mitzvah a new building opened, with the 12 Tribes of Israel in dark blue glass, and a Hebrew school wing.1985Ibid. 9 May a31/1 A young Jewish woman who recently had had her bat mitzvah.1986J. Telushkin Unorthodox Murder Rabbi Moss i. 6, I joined for my daughter's sake. Jessica is in the congregation's bar- and bat-mitzvah class.

