
单词 bawbee
释义 bawbee Sc.|bɔːˈbiː|
Forms: 6 bawbie, babie, 7 babee, baubie, baubye, baubee, 7– bawbee.
[Of doubtful origin: it has been conjecturally identified with baby (with which it was sometimes identical in form in 16th c.), derived from basse-pièce (phonetically impossible), and bas billon ‘base bullion’ or mixed metal, and from the name of a contemporary mint-master, the laird of Sillebawby.
(The last conjecture is on the whole probable, and is strengthened by the similar origin of the name of the atchison, and perhaps of the bodle. The laird of Sillebawby (notwithstanding his designation, and its suggestion of Siller bawbee) was a real person: on 7 Sept. 1541, Kirkcaldy of Grange, the Treasurer, accounted for amounts ‘in argento receptis a Jacobo Atzinsone, et Alexandro Orok de Sillebawby respective’ (Cochran-Patrick I. 60). There is only wanting some direct proof of the abbreviation of Sillebawby to bawby. The idle surmise that the first issue bore the head of, or was issued by, an infant king, is disposed of by the preliminary fact that ‘bawbeis’ were first issued in 1541–2 near the close of the reign of James V, and bore no head; moreover there exists no Scottish coin bearing a baby head. Beside the fatal phonetic objection to basse pièce, bas billon, there is not the slightest indication that the bawbeis were ever so called, and coins of billon, or base metal, had been too common for a century and a half in Scotland to make them a novelty in 1541.)]
A Scotch coin of base silver equivalent originally to three, and afterwards to six, pennies of Scotch money, about a halfpenny of English coin; hence, in modern use, a halfpenny, a ‘copper.’
1542Hopetoun MS. (in Cochran-Patrick, Coinage of Scotl. 96) The said James [Atcheson] being commandet to worke bawbeis he altogether refusit..First thair wes cunyeit of bawbeis of iii d. fyne xvj in the ounce. The cause of thir bawbeis cunyeing was the warres that schortlie begowde betuixt ws and Ingland.1544Ibid. 97 The maist pairt of the saidis bawbeis were coinyeit of clippit soussis quhilkis than were proclamit in France for bullion, and send heer to be conuertit in bawbeis.a1572Knox Hist. Ref. 151 (Jam.) With us thare did not remane the valow of a Babie.1573Let. in Tytler Hist. Scot. (1864) III. 361 A piece of their coin called a bawbee..which is in value English one penny and a quarter.1623Cockeram, Baubee, a farthing.1635Brereton Trav. (1844) 188 Baubyes 2 to one penny English or 12 Scottish.1732De Foe, &c. Tour Gt. Brit. (1769) IV. 253 Boys and girls..sold..us near a Mutchkin for a baubee.1862Macm. Mag. Oct. 502 Proposing to solicit a bawbee from a party of strangers.

