
单词 Clasp
释义 Clasp2|klɑːsp, -æ-|
The initial letters of Consortium of Local Authorities Special Programme, used to designate the organization and its system of planning, and spec. a method pioneered by them of building schools from prefabricated parts.
Other expansions of the title are recorded (see quot. 1958).
1958Times Educ. Suppl. 28 Feb. 328/4 Clasp is born... C.L.A.S.P. is the new name by which the joint planners wish to be known—Combined Local Authority Schools Planning.1960Ibid. 10 June 1188/1 The C.L.A.S.P. system of prefabricated construction.1961Listener 28 Dec. 1110/2 CLASP uses a system of light steel columns and beams with prefabricated timber panels for floors, walls, and roofs.1962Ibid. 9 Aug. 206/1 One of our best prefabricated school-building systems, using light metal—the one known as Clasp.

