
单词 consortium
释义 consortium|kənˈsɔːʃɪəm, kənˈsɔːtɪəm|
Pl. consortia.
[L. consortium partnership, f. consors consort. Thence It. consorzio and OF. consorce.]
1. Partnership, association. Now more specifically, an association of business, banking, or manufacturing organizations.
1829Edin. Rev. L. 89 If the consortium give pleasure to the shades of these good people, we must acquiesce in it.1881H. A. Webster in Encycl. Brit. XIII. 466/2 (Italy) The law [of 1874] united the six banks into a consorzio or union, bound, if required, to furnish to the national exchequer bank-notes to the value of 1,000,000,000 lire manufactured and renewed at their common expense; but by the law of 7th April 1881..the consortium of the banks came to a close on the 30th June 1881, and the consortial notes actually current are formed into a direct national debt.1930Time & Tide 30 Aug. 1086 The bankers have formed a consortium to help rationalize industry.1936Nature 4 July 5/1 Preference was given for the execution of the work by consortia of landowners or public bodies.1957New Scientist 12 Sept. 31/1 Spokesmen for two of the consortia that tendered for the first CEA nuclear power stations.1961Listener 28 Dec. 1110/2 An interesting development..is the formation of a Yorkshire consortium of local authorities. The chairmen of the housing committees of Sheffield, Hull, and Leeds have announced that they are going to co-ordinate their housing programmes.1962H. E. Beecheno Business Stud. xii. 107 Recently there have been several cases of manufacturers with connected interests forming a consortium in order to get large overseas contracts for capital developments.1963Ann. Reg. 1962 282 The formation of aid consortia for Turkey and Greece. The Turkish consortium was formed on 31 July.
2. Law. (The right of) association and fellowship between husband and wife.
The action for loss of consortium was abolished by the Administration of Justice Act, 1982 (c. 53) § 2.
[1658H. Grimston tr. Second Pt. Rep. Sir G. Croke 501 Trespass of Assault and Battery: for that the Defendant..assaulted and beat the wife of the Plaintiff, per quod consortium uxoris suæ for three days amisit.1768Blackstone Comm. III. viii. 140 The third injury is that of beating a man's wife... If the..husband is deprived for any time of the company and assistance of his wife, the law then gives him a..remedy by an action upon the case for this ill-usage, per quod consortium amisit.]1836in W. C. Curteis Rep. Cases in Doctors' Commons (1840) I. 198 Mr. Sherwood would have a right to claim the consortium of his wife.1861Law Times Rep. V. 293/1 Consortium..necessarily includes the idea of a union of two persons, each of whom is the consort of the other.1932Law Rep. King's Bench Div. II. 512 It seems..clear that at the present day a husband has a right to the consortium of his wife, and the wife to the consortium of her husband.1957M. Turner-Samuels Law of Married Women i. 11 It was held by the House of Lords..that the right of a husband to damages for loss of consortium against a person who negligently injures his wife is an anomaly at the present day.1971R. A. Percy Charlesworth on Negligence (ed. 5) iii. 72 The same principle would apply to an action by a husband suing for the loss of consortium of his wife, since he has been deprived of her services.
3. transf. and fig. Any association or collection.
1964E. Huxley Back Street New Worlds xii. 122 As you enter, you are engulfed in a consortium of odours in which dried and pickled fish predominate.1975New Yorker 24 Nov. 58/2 The ice was cracked, if not broken, by the publication of such books as ‘The American Soldier’..by a consortium of academics led by Samuel A. Stouffer, of Harvard.1979J. Grimond Memoirs viii. 128 The consortium of Majors present, of whom I was one, decided we had better ring up our superiors.

