
单词 throwing-stick
释义 ˈthrowing-stick
a. A short wooden implement by which a dart or spear is thrown, in order to give increased velocity to it: = spear-thrower, woomera.
b. A short club used as a missile; = throw-stick a.
1770Cook Voy. round World iii. viii. (1773) 641 An instrument which we called a throwing stick. This is a plain smooth piece of a hard reddish wood, very highly polished, about two inches broad, half an inch thick, and three feet long, with a small knob, or hook at one end, and a cross piece about three or four inches long at the other.1802G. Barrington Hist. N.S. Wales i. 26 The throwing-stick is used in discharging the spear.1865Lubbock Preh. Times 403 For throwing the harpoon they use a short handle or throwing-stick, about two feet long.1885H. H. Hayter Carboona 24 Warrk Warrk, having a dart on his throwing-stick ready adjusted, hurled it.1901Athenæum 11 May 599/2 The throwing-stick of the Moki [Pueblo Indians] is closely related to the Australian boomerang, but does not return to the thrower.

