
单词 thorn-crown
释义 ˈthorn-crown
A crown or fillet of thorns: chiefly in reference to that placed in mockery on the head of Christ (Matt. xxvii. 29, etc.).
c1400Warres of Jewes (Laud MS. 22) in Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry (1840) II. 106 A strange thorn crown was thraste on his hed.1859Ld. Lytton Wanderer (ed. 2) 420 The thorn-crown hath blossom'd on my brow.1902Lindsey Star 12 July 2/2 He wore the thorn-crown on His brow.
So ˈthorn-crowned a., crowned with thorns, wearing a crown of thorns.
1609J. Davies Holy Roode G j, We learne..by his Thorne⁓crowned head, How to adorne vs.1792R. Cumberland Calvary (1803) II. 101 His thorn-crown'd head upon his breast reclin'd.1903Month Aug. 127 The thorn-crowned figure of the Redeemer.

