
单词 erf
释义 I. erf1 Obs.
Also 2–3 erfe, (Orm. errfe), erve.
[Common Teut.: OE. ęrfe, ięrfe, yrfe, corresp. to OFris. erve (Du. erf), OHG. erbi, arbi (MHG. and Ger. erbe), Goth. arbi:—OTeut. *arƀjo(m neut. ‘inheritance’ (ON. has arfr masc., whence Sw. arf, Da. arv), related to Gr. ὀρϕανός orphan, L. orbus bereft. Cf. orf1.
For the specially Eng. development of meaning, cf. cattle.]
1. Cattle.
1154O.E. Chron. an. 1125 Hunger and cwealm on men and on erue.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 39 Ðese fower mannisshe..beð þat erf þe þo herdes ouer wuakeden.c1200Ormin 1068 Off þatt errfe þatt tæ r wass Drihhtin to lake ȝarrkedd.c1250Gen. & Ex. 2750 Moyses..wattrede here erue euerilc on.Ibid. 3018 Egyptes erf sal al for-faren.a1300E.E. Psalter cxlviii. 10 Bestes and alle erfes ma.
2. Comb. erfe-blood, blood of animals; erf-kin, the race of animals, cattle.
c1200Ormin 1788 Þatt allterr þatt tatt errfe blod Wass eȝȝwhær strennkedd onne.c1250Gen. & Ex. 3177 Al erf⁓kin hauen he ut-led.
II. erf2|ɜːf|
Pl. erfs, erven; erbes.
[a. Du. erf in same sense, orig. ‘inheritance’: see prec.]
In South Africa: ‘A garden plot, usually containing about half-an-acre’ (Webster). Also attrib., as erf-holder, erf-licence.
1812A. Plumptre tr. M. K. H. Lichtenstein's Trav. I. xxiii. 335 The proposal, that instead of extensive farms, it should be divided into small parcels of land, or erbes.1818C. I. Latrobe Jrnl. Visit S. Afr. 1815–16 xvi. 262 His industry put him in possession of this erf, a name given to a small lot of ground, not being a complete farm.1851J. J. Freeman Tour S. Afr. viii. 184 The party came to Buxton on Thursday morning, when burning commenced immediately, and no entreaties of erf-holders, tears of mothers and children, availed.1887in Barker's Trade & Finance 23 Mar. 3. 1902 Westm. Gaz. 14 Apr. 10/1 The erven (acres) in question were granted to these Reservists by the Government.1947Cape Argus 11 Jan. 6/4 Erfs were allocated.1948Cape Times 26 Mar. 3/2, 21 erfholders who dwell on the mainland but till their land on the island.1959Star (Johannesburg) 12 Jan. 20/3 We will sell by Public Auction the following:..Five Erven..Certain Erf No. 136 situate on Olive Avenue.

