
单词 expiate
释义 I. ˈexpiate, ppl. a. Obs. rare—1.
[ad. L. expiāt-us, pa. pple. of expiāre: see next.]
Of an appointed time: Fully come. Cf. expiate v. 7.
1594Shakes. Rich. III, iii. iii. 23 Make haste, the houre of death is expiate [later folios, now expir'd].
II. expiate, v.|ˈɛkspɪeɪt|
Also 7 expiat.
[f. L. expiāt- ppl. stem of expiāre to make satisfaction, f. ex- (see ex- prefix1) + piāre to seek to appease (by sacrifice), f. pius devout.]
1. trans. To avert (evil) by religious ceremonies; to avert the evil portended by (a prodigy or prophecy). Obs. exc. Antiq.
1611Bible Isa. xlvii. 11 Mischiefe shall fall vpon thee, thou shalt not be able to put it off [marg. expiate].1652Brome Joviall Crew ii. Wks. 1873 III. 381 You bring him a perpetual Peace and Joy By expiating the Prophecy that torments him.1865Dyer Hist. City Rome ii. (1883) 114 Frequent showers of stones..could..be expiated only by bringing to Rome Cybele, or the Idæan mother.
2. To cleanse, purify (a person, a city) from guilt or pollution by religious ceremonies. Occas. Const. of. Obs.
1003Florio Montaigne (1634) 292 Iphigenia..should by her death..expiate, towards God, the Grecians armie of the offences which they had committed.1618Bolton Florus i. xiii. (1636) 41 That the city..might..seeme to have been..hallowed and expiated.1652Gaule Magastrom. 262 The Elæans condemned the Oxe for the murder, and..were admonished by the Delphick Oracle to expiate the oxe.1655–60Stanley Hist. Philos. (1701) 57/2 He Lustrated and Expiated the City.
3. To do away or extinguish the guilt of (one's sin); to offer or serve as a propitiation for. to expiate oneself (rare): to do penance.
1608Bp. Hall Char. Virtues & V. ii. 89 No repentance can expiate that [sin].1634Habington Castara (Arb.) 134 Once dead, his sin Man cannot expiate with teares.1673Marvell Reh. Transp. II. 379 J. M...has ever since expiated himself in a retired silence.1711Addison Spect. No. 99 ⁋7 An Affront that nothing but Blood can expiate.1736Butler Anal. ii. v. Wks. 1874 I. 213 Repentance alone being sufficient to expiate guilt, appears to be contrary to the general sense of mankind.1847Grote Greece ii. xxxii. (1849) IV. 279 The Agyllæans were still expiating the sin by a periodical solemnity.1867Smiles Huguenots Eng. ix. (1880) 154 By punishing them, he flattered himself that he was expiating his own sins.
4. To pay the penalty of.
1665Manley Grotius' Low C. Warres 691 These Pirats..expiated their inhumane Villanies with their heads.1823Lamb Elia Ser. i. xxiii. (1865) 179 The child and parent..expiating their fallen condition upon..[a] shopboard.1848Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 655 Some of the girls who had presented the standard to Monmouth at Taunton had cruelly expiated their offence.1875Stubbs Const. Hist. I. iii. 43 He has to expiate the act with his life.
5. To make amends or reparation for.
a1626Bacon Speech in Rem. (1679) 132 Such..Felons, who..shall implore His Majesty's..Permission to expiate their Offences by their Assiduous Labours.1774Pennant Tour Scot. in 1772, 209 [They] expiated their crime by restoring the plunder.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Result Wks. (Bohn) II. 135 They are expiating the wrongs of India by benefits.
6. intr. To make expiation for. Obs.
1600Holland Livy i. i. xiv. 10 To expiate for the injuries of the Embassadours.1681–6J. Scott Chr. Life (1747) III. 590 My Mediation, which was..to expiate for you as a Priest.1710Prideaux Orig. Tithes iv. 165 He gave..Tithes..to expiate for the Death of Ethelbert.1778Eliza Warwick II. 131, I trust this will expiate for all my offences towards her.1827Southey Hist. Persian War II. 692 His success in sieges did not expiate..for the loss in men.
7. To extinguish (a person's rage) by suffering it to the full; to end (one's sorrows, a suffering life) by death. Obs.
1594Marlowe & Nashe Dido v. ii, Cursed Iarbas, die to expiate The grief that tires upon thine inward soul!1594[see expiate ppl. a.].c1600Shakes. Sonn. xxii, Then look I death my daies should expiate.1610Tofte Honour's Acad. 39 Nothing could appease and expiat his cankred rage.1615T. Adams Lycanthropy 29 Somewhat to expiate their savage fury.
Hence ˈexpiated, ˈexpiating ppl. adjs., ˈexpiatist = expiator.
1840G. S. Faber Regeneration 38 A light from above had infused itself into my expiated..bosom.1793Pennant London (1813) 270 Lying within their [friaries'] expiating walls.a1848R. W. Hamilton (Ogilvie) Expiatist.

