“tertium comparationis”的英英意思

单词 tertium comparationis
释义 tertium comparationis|ˈtɜːʃɪəm kɒmpæreɪʃɪˈəʊnɪs, kɒmpærɑːtɪˈəʊnɪs|
[L., = the third element in comparison.]
The factor which links or is the common ground between two elements in comparison.
1922J. Riviere tr. Freud's Introd. Lectures Psycho-Anal. x. 128 In one set of symbols the underlying comparison may be easily apparent, but there are others in which we have to look about for the common factor, the tertium comparationis contained in the supposed comparison.1945Mind LIV. 209 A comparison without a tertium comparationis.1956J. H. Greenberg in Saporta & Bastian Psycholinguistics (1961) 470/1 With what cultural or other facts would one connect a contrast between aspirated and nonaspirated consonants in a given language? Where is the tertium comparationis?

