
单词 shamanism
释义 shamanism|ˈʃɑːmənɪz(ə)m, ˈʃæmənɪz(ə)m|
Also 8 schamanism, 9 shahmanism. Formerly usu. with capital initial.
[f. shaman + -ism.]
The primitive religion of the Ural-Altaic peoples of Siberia, in which all the good and evil of life are thought to be brought about by spirits who can be influenced only by shamans (see shaman n.); hence applied to similar religions, esp. of North-West American Indians. Also the beliefs, rituals, techniques, etc., associated with a shaman, the general pattern of which is found almost universally in primitive cultures at the food-gathering stage of social development.
1780Tooke Russia III. 243 Of Schamanism.1841Penny Cycl. XX. 382/2 They [Samoyedes] are heathens, and profess the religion called Shamanism.1848S. W. Williams Middle Kingd. II. xviii. 258 The form of Budhism prevailing among the Mongols and Tibetans differs more in its state and power than in its doctrines; it is called Shamanism, or Hwang kiau, the Yellow doctrine, from the color of the priestly robes.1870W. H. Dall Alaska & Resources 88 The belief in shamánism is universal among the natives of Alaska, Eskimo as well as Indians.1875Sayce in Encycl. Brit. III. 192/2 The earliest religion of Accad was a Shamanism resembling that of the Siberian or Samoyed tribes of to-day.1906Petrie Relig. Anc. Egypt i. 3 Others, as the Turanians,..do not adopt the worship of great gods, but deal with a host of animistic spirits, ghosts, devils, or whatever we may call them; and Shamanism or witchcraft is their system for conciliating such adversaries.1930G. Róheim Animism, Magic, & Divine King III. iv. 166 The sexual organs play a large part in Chukchee shamanism.1947H. C. E. Zacharias Protohistory iv. 109 Shamanism..by which term I mean not merely the forms of hysteria and of falling into a trance.1963in H. N. Michael Stud. in Siberian Shamanism 120 Evenk shamanism was characterized by such phenomena as..a special shamanistic language, numerous and extremely effective pieces of equipment, [etc.].1964W. R. Trask tr. Eliade's Shamanism i. 4 A first definition of this complex phenomenon, and perhaps the least hazardous, will be: shamanism = technique of ecstasy.1972G. Jones Kings, Beasts, & Heroes iii. i. 129 They nourished him with foaming hornfuls drawn from the deep casks of wonder, myth, shamanism, make-believe, wish-fulfilment, unreason.
So ˈshamanist, a believer in shamanism; also attrib. or adj. shamaˈnistic a., pertaining to shamanism. ˈshamanite = shamanist. ˈshamanize v., intr. [= G. schamanieren] to perform the incantations proper to a shaman; trans. to imbue with shamanistic beliefs; henceˈshamanizing vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1842Prichard Nat. Hist. Man xxi. (1845) 223 The Kamtschatkans..are Shamanists.1854Latham Native Races Russ. Emp. 103 A name which we expect amongst Jews and Mahometans rather than amongst shamanistic Voguls.1871S. Mateer Travancore 191 The Shamanites acknowledge the existence of a supreme God but offer him no worship.1882H. Lansdell Through Siberia xxxii. (1883) 405 The people worship the spirits of the mountains, a superstition of the Shamanist Buriats.1901Contemp. Rev. Jan. 87 Old Russian settlers in those far-off regions have to a high degree become ‘Shamanized’.1908Q. Rev. Oct. 522 A Lama disguised as a Shamanist dancer.1912Man XII. 171 The shamanistic ceremonies of the races occupying the northern parts of the Eurasian continent.1949W. Howells Heathens viii. 126 Evans-Pritchard has the same thing to say about Zande witch doctors, who do shamanizing of a less distinct type.1963in H. N. Michael Stud. in Siberian Shamanism 8 The people were beating the drum (‘shamanizing’).1964Listener 29 Oct. 677/2 The vital function shamanizing can take on..may be seen in the Bardo Thodol, the Tibetan ‘Book of the Dead’.Ibid., In a shamanizing society, ‘Venus and Adonis’.., ‘The Wanderings of Oisin’, ‘Ash Wednesday’, would all qualify their authors for the magic drum.

