
单词 creosote
释义 I. creosote, n.|ˈkriːəsəʊt|
Also creasote, kreo-, krea-.
[mod. f. Gr. κρεο-, comb. form of κρέας flesh + σώζειν to save: cf. σωτήρ saviour; the formation was intended to mean ‘flesh-saving’; but the Gr. for this would have been κρεο(σ)σόος.]
1. A colourless oily liquid, of complex composition, with odour like that of smoked meat, and burning taste, obtained from the distillation of wood-tar, and having powerful antiseptic properties; discovered by Reichenbach in 1832.
1835Elliotson in Trans. Med.-Chirurg. Soc. 235 It is now a year since I began my trials of Creosote.1860G. H. K. Vac. Tourist 164 The creosote distilled from the peat soon rendered the fish safe from decay.
b. Sometimes commercially applied to carbolic acid, also distinguished as coal-tar creosote.
1863–72Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 389 Commercial creosote often consists almost entirely of phenol, but the true creosote, obtained by the distillation of wood, is a totally different substance.
2. attrib. and Comb., as creosote-oil, creosote-tank, creosote-like adj.; creosote-bush, -plant, a Mexican shrub (Larrea mexicana, family Zygophyllaceæ) having a strong smell of creosote.
1851Mayne Reid Scalp Hunt. xxvi, We passed..thickets of creosote bushes.1866Treas. Bot. 660 L[arrea] mexicana, the Creosote plant of the Americans..its strong creosote-like odour renders it so repulsive that no animal will touch it.1889G. Findlay Eng. Railway 46 Timber, into which creosote oil has been forced under pressure.
II. ˈcreosote, v.
[f. prec. n.]
trans. To impregnate with creosote, as a preservative.
1846A. Suckling Hist. Suffolk 75 The timber being creasoted..to keep out the worm.1881Whitehead Hops 37 The practice of creosoting the butt ends preserves them from decay.
Hence creosoted ppl. a., creosoting vbl. n.; ˈcreosoter, one engaged in creosoting timber.
1862Rep. Directors E. Ind. Railw. Comp. 16 Creosoted sleepers.1863Reader 14 Feb., If the method of creosoting were introduced in India.1889East. Morning News 12 Apr. 2/9 W. F. W. of Grimsby, late creosoter.1892Daily News 24 Feb. 6/3 The line..is laid upon piles of creosoted American pitch-pine.

