
单词 spastic
释义 spastic, a. and n.|ˈspæstɪk|
[ad. L. spastic-us (Pliny), a. Gr. σπαστικός, f. σπᾶν to draw: cf. spasm n. So F. spastique.]
A. adj.
1. Path. Of the nature of a spasm or sudden contraction; characterized or affected by spasmodic symptoms or movements.
1753Chambers' Cycl. Suppl. s.v. Gout, The podagra in particular is thus defined to be a spastic and painful affection of the foot.1755Phil. Trans. XLIX. 243 To compose these spastic motions of the parts.1822–7Good Study Med. (1829) I. 318 The graft of a spastic disease upon a spastic temperament.1878Hamilton Nervous Dis. 155 There are occasionally spastic contractions, which last for some little time.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 314 Amentia, in association with..spastic limbs.
b. spec. in names of special ailments. spastic paralysis, a condition in which some muscles undergo tonic spasm (sometimes resulting in abnormal posture) and resist passive displacement, so that voluntary movement of the part affected is difficult and poorly co-ordinated.
1822–7Good Study Med. (1829) IV. 334 Spastic wry-neck. From excess of muscular action on the contracted side.1876tr. Wagner's Gen. Path. 340 Spastic anæmia of the small and smallest arteries.1877tr. W. Erb in London Med. Rec. V. 435/1 (heading) On spastic spinal paralysis (tabes dorsal spasmodique, Charcot).1879Glasgow Med. Jrnl. XI. 147 (heading) Paraplegia, with great muscular rigidity (Erb's spastic paralysis?).1889[see palsy n. (a.) 1 b].1891Lancet 15 Aug. 354/1 Among the cases of apparent cure..were cases of spastic paralysis.1903Tubby & Jones Surg. Paralyses ii. 203 Examples of Little's disease or spastic paralysis.1937E. Kenny Infantile Paralysis & Cerebral Diplegia viii. 92 In spastic paralysis, if the patient is asked to do something with the fingers, all the muscles controlling the fingers, as well as all the other muscles of the forearm and those of the arm and shoulder girdle, go into spastic contraction.1938, etc. [see Little's disease].1954S. Duke-Elder Parsons' Dis. Eye (ed. 12) xxix. 586 Spastic entropion is due to spasm of the orbicularis.1973W. Barlow Alexander Principle ix. 141 The diagnosis of ‘spastic colon’ is very often accompanied by such unnoticed abdominal misuse.1977Lancet 22 Oct. 844/2 He was hypertonic, with mild spastic diplegia.
2. Performing involuntary contractile movements.
1822–7Good Study Med. (1829) IV. 576 Such has been the force of the spastic muscles.1834Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) IV. 144 The contraction was here a spastic ring bordering immediately on the orifice of the uterus.
3. a. Affected with spastic paralysis.
1903Tubby & Jones Mod. Methods Surgery of Paralyses ii. 228 Transformation of the pronator radii teres and transplantation of the carpal flexors were effected in spastic children.1937P. M. Girard Home Treatment Spastic Paralysis i. 10 As a spastic child later learns to walk, a typical ‘scissors gait’ is frequently observed.1977Whitaker's Almanack 1978 26 (Advt.), Jonathan has been severely spastic since birth, and is unable to walk unsupported. He also has difficulty with speaking and writing.
b. In weakened use: uncoordinated, incompetent; foolish, stupid. slang.
1981[see sense b of the n., below].1982Barr & York Official Sloane Ranger Handbk. 159/3 Spastic, temporarily unintelligent. Sloanes don't consider lack of intelligence should be insulted; one, they are basically kind; two, they are unintellectual themselves.
B. n.
a. A person with spastic paralysis.
1896Pediatrics II. 194 The staggering, uncertain gait of the spastic, often with knees striking or actually crossed, with knees flexed and heels raised, is well known.1937E. R. Carlson in P. M. Girard Home Treatment Spastic Paralysis p. xix, Through repeated exercises..the spastic gradually acquires muscular coordination.1953M. McCarthy Groves of Academe ii. 22 The male part of the college included an unusual number of child prodigies,..as well as some spastics and paraplegics.1976National Observer (U.S.) 25 Sept. 21/1 Christy Brown, you will remember, is the Dubliner..and almost total spastic who, a few years ago, with his left foot tapped out a novel.1978R. B. Scott Price's Textbk. Pract. Med. (ed. 12) xvi. 1347/2 Even with the most skilled and sympathetic management, the emotional needs and problems of the ‘spastic’ and of the immediate family may present insoluble problems.
b. In weakened use, esp. contemptuously: one who is uncoordinated or incompetent; a fool. Cf. spaz. slang.
Although current for some fifteen years or more, it is generally condemned as a tasteless expression, and is not common in print.—R.W.B.
1981R. A. Spears Slang & Euphemism 369 Spastic, (1) a jerk; a giddy person..; (2) pertaining to a blunderer.
Hence ˈspastically adv., in a spastic manner.
1862A. Meadows Man. Midwifery vi. ii. 217 The longer it [sc. the placenta] is allowed to remain the more spastically does the uterus contract upon it.1978R. Ludlum Holcroft Covenant iii. 39 He arched his back spastically, as if gasping for air.

