
单词 Jewishness
释义 ˈJewishness
[f. as prec. + -ness.]
1. The religious system of the Jews; Judaism.
1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. Gal. iv. 21 Suche of you, as are contented to fall backe to Iewishnes.1550Bale Apol. 60 Christ will not have hys pure Gospell myngled with Iewyshnesse.1627W. Sclater Exp. 2 Thess. (1629) 222 It sauours of Iewishness, rather then Christianity.
2. Jewish quality or character.
1822New Monthly Mag. IV. 70 An air of Jewishness, or an old-clothesman-like expression.1899Speaker 10 Feb. 133/2 The Jews of this country..are rapidly losing all their Jewishness.

