
单词 molarization
释义 molarization Zool.|məʊləraɪˈzeɪʃən|
[f. molar a.1 and n. + -ization.]
The assumption, during the course of evolution, of the characteristics of a molar tooth by a non-molar tooth (usu. a premolar).
1937Proc. Zool. Soc. B. CVII. 104 The molarization of the premolars is a case of convergent evolution.1953J. S. Huxley Evolution In Action ii. 56 The so-called molarization of the pre-molars.—The gradual conversion of the front grinders, which have milk-teeth predecessors, so as to resemble the true molars, which develop later and have no ‘milk’ fore-runners.1972Nature 24 Nov. 236/1 A morphological complex characterizes the earliest hominids. This complex..includes..lowering of the molar cusps, molarization of the premolars, [etc.].
So ˈmolarized ppl. a., showing the consequences of molarization.
1971A. A. Dahlberg Dental Morphol. & Evolution viii. 99 The more distant from the canine, the more molarized or cuspidate the tooth.1973Nature 14 Sept. 106/1 In other cretaceous eutherians P4 is always three-rooted and partly molarized.

