
单词 peshcush
释义 peshcush, -kash E. Ind.|ˈpeːʃkʌʃ|
Forms: 7 pish-, piscash, 7–8 pishcush, 8 peiscush, 8– peshcush, 9 paish-, pescush, peshkash, peshkesh.
[Pers. pēshkash first drawn, first fruits, tribute, f. pēsh before, in front + kash drawing.]
An offering; a present; tribute, quit-rent, fine.
1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 156 The Sultans and Chans bestow Pishcashes, or gifts one on another.1753Hanway Trav. (1762) II. xiv. vii. 371 A peiscush, or present from an inferior to a superior.1804Wellington in Gurw. Disp. (1844) II. 1159 The payment of the peshcush and the pensions due at Hyderabad.1811Kirkpatrick Tippoo's Lett. 9 The Paishcush, or tribute, which he was bound..to pay to the Government of Poonah.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India II. ii. xi. 491 A peshkash, or tribute, of seven lakhs of rupees a year had hitherto been paid to the Nizam by the Company, for the northern Circars.

