
单词 orpiment
释义 orpiment|ˈɔːpɪmənt|
Also 5–7 orpement, 5 -mynt, orpyment, 6–7 orp(e)mente, (orpinent), 6–8 orpment. See also auripigment.
[a. OF. orpiment (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), also or pieument, or pigment (Godef.), ad. L. auripigmentum (Vitruv.) gold pigment. Cf. It. orpimento, Sp. oropimiento.]
A bright yellow mineral substance, the trisulphide of arsenic, also called Yellow Arsenic, found native in soft masses resembling gold in colour; also manufactured by the combination of sulphur and arsenious oxide; used as a pigment under the name of King's Yellow.
Orpiment is the original arsenic, ἀρσενικόν, of the ancients. Also called yellow orpiment to distinguish it from the so-called red orpiment = realgar, disulphide of arsenic: see arsenic 1 a, b.
[1310Acc. Exors. T. Bp. of Exeter (Camden) 8 De xxd. de iiij libris de orpiment venditis.]c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. & T. 270 The firste spirit quyk siluer called is, The seconde Orpyment [v. rr. orpement, orpemynt, orpiment].a1387Sinon. Barthol. (Anecd. Oxon.) 12 Auripigmentum, orpiment, quando simpliciter de citrino intelligitur.1486Bk. St. Albans B v, Powdre of orpement blowen uppon an hawke.1545Rates of Customs c j, Orpmente the C. pounde xs.1577Harrison England iii. x. (1878) ii. 67 We haue in England great plentie of quicke siluer, antimonie, sulphur, blacke lead, and orpiment red and yellow.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 90 Arsenick red and yellow, that is, Orpement and Sandarach may perhaps doe something.1683Moxon Mech. Exerc., Printing xxiv. ⁋17 Orpment, Pinck, Yellow Oaker, for Yellow.1777Phil. Trans. LXV. 393 The other colours I tried were orpiment, gamboge,..and a few others.1831Brewster Optics xvi. 140 A thin plate of native yellow orpiment absorbs the violet and refrangible blue rays very powerfully.1969R. L. S. Bruce-Mitford Art of Codex Amiatinus 3 The third leaf, a purple-stained folio with text written in yellow orpiment (not gold), carried on its recto and verso respectively a prologue and a table of contents.
Hence orpiˈmental a., of the nature of orpiment.
1685Boyle Salubr. Air 62 Orpimental or other noxious Minerals.

