
单词 orphan
释义 I. orphan, n. and a.|ˈɔːfən|
Also 5–7 -ane, 6–7 -ant.
[ad. late L. orphan-us (Vulg.), a. Gr. ὀρϕανός without parents, bereaved; cf. OF. orfene (13th c.), It. orfano. See also orphenin, orphelin.]
A. n.
1. One deprived by death of father or mother, or (more generally) of both parents; a fatherless or motherless child.
Orphan's Court, a probate court in some states of the United States, having jurisdiction over the estates and persons of orphans.
[13..K. Alis. 4948 Another folk woneth there biside; Orphani hy hatteth wide.]1484Caxton Chivalry 31 Thoffyce of a knyght is to mayntene and deffende wymmen widowes and orphans.1547–64Bauldwin Mor. Philos. (Palfr.) 126 Innocent persons, orphants, widdowes, & poore men.1603Drayton Heroic. Ep. iv. 95 Mak'st me an Orphan ere my Father die.1632Heywood 2nd Pt. Iron Age v. Wks. 1874 III. 429 Sweet Orphant do; thy fathers dead already.1715–20Pope Iliad xxii. 629 The day, that to the shades the father sends, Robs the sad orphan of his father's friends.1848Wharton Law Lex. s.v. Orphan, In London the Lord Mayor and Aldermen have the custody of the orphans of deceased freemen, and also the keeping of their lands and goods.1849Stephens Bk. of Farm (ed. 2) I. 596/2 When a lamb is left an orphan..[it is necessary] to mother it..upon another ewe.
2. a. fig. One bereft of protection, advantages, benefits, or happiness, previously enjoyed.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 242 b/2 Thenne he assembled twelue freres of the Couent of Bouloyne and to thende that he wold not leue them and disheryted and orphanes he made his testament.1844Mrs. Browning Cry of Childr. xii, They..Are orphans of the earthly love and heavenly.
b. slang. A discontinued model of a motor vehicle.
1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §81/7 Orphan, a discontinued make.1948Mencken Amer. Lang. Suppl. II. 724 Orphan, or off-breed, an obsolete model.1967W. & M. Morris Dict. Word & Phr. Origins II. 280 Load, orphan, pig,..and iron all designate poor cars.
3. attrib. and Comb., as orphan-like adj.; orphan asylum, -hospital, -house, an orphanage.
a1649Drummond of Hawthornden Poems Wks. (1711) 15 When..bravest minds live orphan-like forlorn.1711C. Mather Diary 25 Mar. in Harv. Stud. (1897) V. 58 A present of Gold for his orphan-house.1769Chron. in Ann. Reg. 65/2 The children of the orphan-hospital..were ranged in two lines.1792S. Rogers Pleas. Mem. 40 Orphan-sorrows drew the ready tear.1811Freemason's Mag. (Philadelphia) Nov. 97 The other proclaims its benevolent character in its name, ‘The Orphan Asylum Society’.1832G. Downes Lett. Cont. Countries I. 159 The Preachers' Church, and that of the Orphan-house.1833J. B. Purcell in Catholic Hist. Rev. (Washington) (1919) V. 241 There was a benefit at the L. [Louisville] Theatre for the Orphan-Asylum, at this time.1857Mayne Expos. Lex. 831/2 An orphan-hospital, or institution for bringing up orphaned children in.1878Geo. Eliot Coll. Breakf. P. 294 Love forsaken sends out orphan cries.1921E. O'Neill Diff'rent ii, in Emperor Jones 281 He'll go and leave all he's got to some lousey orphan asylum.1964D. Owen Eng. Philanthropy (1965) ii. v. 159 This London Orphan Asylum at Clapton, opened in 1825... Again..a movement was launched which, by the early 1840's, had established the Infant Orphan Asylum at Wanstead.1978E. Healey Lady Unknown ii. 60 Faraday's earliest letters to her..were..mostly requests for proxy votes for his protégés at the Orphan Asylum of which they were both patrons.
B. adj.
1. a. Bereaved of parents; fatherless or motherless, or both; fig. bereft of protection analogous to that of a parent.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 409 b/2 Whan Machomete was orphane of fader & moder he was under the gouernaunce of his uncle.c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. lxviii. ii, Prepare his path, who..Doth sitt a father to the orphan sonne.1589Warner Alb. Eng. vi. xxxii. (1612) 161 Queene mother and her kindred hild the Orphant King a while.1755Smollett Quix. ii. iii. xvi. (1784) IV. 83 And I beg your worship will consider the orphan state of my daughter.1814Scott Ld. of Isles iv. xvii, Thou art a patron all too wild And thoughtless, for this orphan child.1847Grote Greece ii. x. III. 87 An orphan girl might be claimed in marriage of right by any member of the gens.
fig.1660N. Ingelo Bentivolio & Urania ii. (1682) 65 [God] doth not abandon the Orphan World to..blind Chance.1883Schaff Hist. Church II. vii. §42. 425 It was probably the martyrdom of Peter and Paul that induced John to take charge of the orphan churches.
b. Orphan Annie: see little Orphan(t) Annie (little a. 13).
2. Path. orphan virus, any virus that is not known to be the cause of a disease.
1954J. L. Melnick in Amer. Jrnl. Publ. Health XLIV. 572/1 The remainder of this report is concerned with{ddd}3. The detection of new viruses, provisionally called ‘orphan viruses’ (as we know so little to what diseases they belong) from patients suspected of having nonparalytic poliomyelitis.1955[see ECHO virus].1961P. L. Carpenter Microbiol. ix. 110 A considerable number of viruses recently isolated from the feces of healthy as well as ill individuals are not known to produce disease... These viruses..are called orphan viruses, and those isolated from humans are known as ECHO viruses.

[A.] [1.] [a.] Delete small-type note and for def. read: One deprived by death of father or mother, or (more generally) of both parents; sometimes also, one bereft of parental care, esp. through abandonment or neglect; a fatherless or motherless child. (Further examples.)
1852Rep. Cases Supreme Court Georgia X. 71 It will be impossible to conclude that, when the Legislature speaks of an orphan, it meant to designate alone a minor whose parents are dead.1891T. J. Barnardo in Ann. Rep. Dr Barnardo's Homes 1890 xxv. 5 Six thousand are worse than orphans; they are, as it has been said, ‘orphans whose misfortune it is to have a father and mother’, for their parents are such as no child could either honour or regret.1933H. Allen Anthony Adverse ix. 126 The method of receiving orphans was simplicity itself. Anyone, without let or hindrance, might leave at the hole in the convent wall provided for that purpose an otherwise unwelcome infant.1957Southern Reporter LXXXIX. 290/2 It was his opinion that a boy was an orphan when his parent or parents abandoned him.1988Executive Update June 32/3 For 23 years, the youngster who was abandoned at 18 months kept the desire to end for other orphans the twice-abandoned experience he endured.
b. Orphan's or Orphans' Court, also (now Hist.) Court of Orphans: in 16th- and 17th-cent. England, and in some States of the U.S., a probate court having jurisdiction over the estates and persons of orphans.
1568Order 24 July in Repertory Court of Aldermen (City of London Corporation Records) XVI. f. 383v, One of the Aldermen of this cytty..shall syt every Fryday wekely at eight of the clok in the forenone in the orphanes court of this hall.1596in C. Carlton Court of Orphans (1974) ii. 31 Court of Orphans holden..Passion monday last.1680Lex Londinensis 55 The Orphants Court..is held before the Major and Aldermen of the City of London, who are Guardians to the Children of all Freemen of London that are or shall be under the Age of 21 years at the time of their Fathers decease.1784Acts 9th Gen. Assembly State of New-Jersey lxx. 136 The Orphan's Court shall have full power and authority to hear and determine all disputes and controversies..respecting..any lands, tenements, goods, chattels or estate, belonging..to any orphan or person under age.1828J. Parkes Hist. Court of Chancery xii. 403 There were in some of the North American colonies before the rebellion, and there are..in several of the United States, courts for the protection of the properties of infants, denominated Orphans' courts.1909W. S. Holdsworth Hist. Eng. Law III. iv. 397 The London Court of Orphans lasted on till late in the seventeenth century.1987Amer. Bench, 1987–88 (ed. 4) 1088 The Orphans' Courts are courts of special jurisdiction in Maryland.Ibid. 1969 [The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania] has exclusive appellate jurisdiction of appeals from the Courts of Common Pleas in cases involving..decisions of the Orphans' Court Division.
II. orphan, v.|ˈɔːfən|
[f. prec. n.]
trans. To make an orphan of; to bereave of parent or parents.
1814Southey Roderick iii. 290 One hour hath orphaned me and widowed me.1832–4De Quincey Cæsars i. Wks. 1860 X. 34 It is, or it is not, according to the nature of men, an advantage to be orphaned at an early age.1876Eadie Thessalonians (1877) 92 This orphaning separation had been for ‘the season of an hour’.

