
单词 May-butter
释义 May-butter
[May n.3: cf. F. beurre de mai.]
a. Unsalted butter preserved in the month of May for medicinal use (see quot. 1615).
1584Cogan Haven Health cxcvi. (1612) 157 Yet would I wish that such as haue children to bring vp, would not be without May butter in their houses.1614Markham Cheap Husb. i. lx. 37 Take the leaues of wilde Nepe..and beating them in a mortar with May-Butter, apply it.1615Eng. Housew. ii. iv. 113 If during the month of May before you salt your butter you saue a lumpe thereof and put it into a vessell, and so set it into the sunne the space of that moneth, you shall finde it exceeding..medicinable for wounds.1660M. R. Exact Acc. Receipts 10 A pound of May-butter.1812J. J. Henry Accurate Acct. Heroes Campaign against Quebec 23 We gave salted pork, and they returned two fresh beaver tails, which when boiled, renewed ideas, imbibed with the May-butter of our own country.
b. In fig. and proverbial use.
1601Deacon & Walker Answ. Darel 224 Not any other but May-butter it selfe could possiblie melt in their mouthes.a1625Fletcher Noble Gent. i. i, Mad as May-butter.1653Walton Angler iv. 115 You see it rains May-butter.

