“mineral water”的英英意思

单词 mineral water
释义 mineral water
a. Originally, water found in nature impregnated with some mineral substance, usually, such as is used medicinally. Also (with a and pl.) a kind of such water.
b. Later, applied also to artificial imitations of natural mineral waters, e.g. soda-water, seltzer-water; and subsequently extended to include other effervescent drinks, as lemonade and ginger-beer.
1562Turner Baths 9 Thys minorall water is cleare..and springeth out of sande.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. (1586) 903 Their drinesse they cure with baths, and their throat with drinking mineral waters.1694Salmon Bate's Dispens. (1713) 406/2 To be drank at several Draughts, as you drink Mineral-waters, for the cutting and loosening of gross Humours.1747tr. Astruc's Fevers 340 The purgative mineral waters, as those of Val, &c. prove the most universal remedy.1831J. Davies Man. Mat. Med. 91 We apply the name Mineral Waters to such as contain in solution one or more foreign substances in sufficient quantity to exercise a more or less marked action on the animal economy. These waters are either natural or artificial.
attrib.1851in Illustr. Lond. News 5 Aug. (1854) 119/2 Mineral-water manufacture.1903Daily Chron. 16 Mar. 3/7 There are 3,500 mineral-water manufacturers in the United Kingdom.

