
单词 manus
释义 manus|ˈmeɪnəs|
[L. manus hand.]
1. Anat. The terminal or distal segment of the fore limb of a vertebrate animal. Also, the claw or prehensile organ of a crustacean; Ent., the tarsus of the anterior leg; Ichth., the pectoral fin.
1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. xxxv. III. 681 Tarsus or Manus... The last portion of the leg.1867Mivart in Phil. Trans. CLVII. 299 note, I think it better, in a scientific treatise..[to adopt] for the anterior extremity (the carpus and all beyond it) the term manus, and for the homotypal posterior segment the term pes.1878Bell Gegenbaur's Comp. Anat. 481 In Birds..the reduction of the manus is still more marked.1886Athenæum 20 Feb. 268/1 The bones of the fore-arm and manus [in the chick] are longer than the corresponding segments of the leg and foot.
2. Roman Law. The power or authority of a husband over his wife.
1854Colquhoun Rom. Civ. Law §2424 III. 664 The husband derived this jurisdiction from the Manus.1871Poste Gaius 77 A filiusfamilias was capable of civil wedlock, but had no manus.
3. manus Christi [L. = ‘hand of Christ’ (14th c. in Du Cange)], see quot. 1706. Obs.
1516Th. Alen Let. to Earl Shrewsbury in Lett. & Pap. Hen. VIII, II. 522, I have sent your lordship by this bearer one lb. of manus Christi.1528Hennege Let. to Wolsey 28 June, ibid. IV. 1938 Manws cresty.1682R. Burton Admir. Curios. (1684) 30 He..administred Manus Christi, and the like Cordials.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Manus Christi, refined Sugar boil'd with Rose-water, or that of Violets, or Cinamon; a sort of Cordial for very weak Persons.

