例句 PLACE1 a place2 the exact place where something is or happens3 ways of talking about where someone or something is, where they are from etc4 in a place5 in or to a place, when you do not know which place6 in another place, not here7 a place where someone usually is or often goes8 when an object is in a particular place9 when a country, town, company etc is in a particular place10 when something is usually kept in a place11 not in any placeRELATED WORDSput something somewhere 将某物放在某地 PUTsee alsoAREATOWNCOUNTRYSPACEHERE/NOT HERETHERE/NOT THERE1 a place 地方 place /pleɪs/ [countable noun] Plant the daisies in a sunny place. 将维菊种在阳光充足的地方。 Keep your passport in a safe place. 要把护照放在一个安全的地方。 a quiet, private place to read in 一个安静、不受打扰的读书之所 Britain is one of the most highly populated places in the world. 英国是世界上人口最密集的地方之一。a place to sit/eat/sleep etc Sign your name on the list, and find yourself a place to sit. 在表格上签好名字,然后找个地方坐下。 I was looking for a place to park the car. 我在找地方停车。place for This would be a great place for a party! 这里真是个举办聚会的好地方!right/wrong place Are you sure this is the right place? I don't see Emma. 你确信就是这地方吗?我没看见埃玛。 location /ləʊˈkeɪʃən/ [countable noun] a place in which someone lives, something happens, or something is built - used especially in business, advertising, or in official contexts 场所;地点;位置〔尤用于商业、广告或公文〕 a new hotel in an attractive location 地处优美环境的一家新酒店 The time, date, and location of the conference have not yet been announced. 会议的时间、日期及地点尚未宣布。 Authorities say they have pinpointed the location of the sunken ship. 当局宣称已确定了沉船的位置。 spot /spɒtǁspɑːt/ [countable noun] a place, especially a pleasant place, where you spend time or live 地点〔尤指令人舒适的、休闲的地方〕 We camped in a pleasant, shady spot beside the river. 我们在河边一块荫凉宜人的地方宿营。 There are bike trails to the highest spot on the island, which has magnificent views of San Francisco. 那里有自行车道通往岛上的至高点,在那里能看到圣弗朗西斯科的壮丽景色。 Put some of the hardier plants outdoors in a protected spot. 将一些更耐寒的植物放到户外的一处有遮蔽的地方。spot for It looked like a perfect spot for a picnic. 这里看上去是野餐的理想地点。holiday spot British /vacation spot American Las Vegas has a growing reputation as an entertainment and vacation spot. 拉斯韦加斯作为一个娱乐度假地名声越来越响。 site /saɪt/ [countable noun] a place where something such as a building exists now, is going to exist in the future, or where something existed in the past 地点;选址;旧址 an important archaeological site 一个重要的考古遗址 The town has purchased a site on Villa Avenue for the new library. 镇政府在别墅大道买下一块地建图书馆。site of A home for the elderly will be built on the site of the old hospital. 养老院将建在医院的旧址上。building site British /construction site American place where a new building is being built 工地 Green fences were put up around the construction site. 工地四周围起了绿色的栅栏。 venue /ˈvenjuː/ [countable noun] a place for an arranged event or meeting, for example a sports or musical event 〔运动会、音乐会等的〕举行场所;举行地点 The concert's still on Saturday but the venue has been changed. 音乐会仍于星期六举行,但地点变了。venue for The restaurant is one of the few venues for jazz music in the area. 这家餐厅是该地区少数爵士乐演奏场所之一。 Ministers have not yet agreed on a venue for the next Conference on European Security. 部长们还未就下届“欧洲安全会议”的召开地点取得一致意见。 whereabouts /ˈweərəbaʊts/ [] the place or area where someone or something is, especially when this is unknown or is being kept secret 〔某人或某物的〕下落;去向 somebody's whereabouts The police received an anonymous tip about the suspect's whereabouts. 警方接到有关那名嫌疑犯下落的匿名密报。 Despite numerous searches and enquiries, her whereabouts are still unknown. 尽管已经找了许多次,也问了许多人,但她仍下落不明。whereabouts of The police have appealed for information concerning the whereabouts of the stolen car used in the robbery. 劫案中使用的被窃汽车下落如何,警方呼吁人们提供消息。 They tried to torture him into revealing the whereabouts of the $90 million, but he didn't know anything. 他们对他严刑拷打,要他说出那笔9,000万美元的下落,可他什么也不知道。2 the exact place where something is or happens 某物或某事发生的确切位置 position /pəˈzɪʃən/ [countable noun] the exact place where something or someone is, especially in relation to other things or people 位置;地方〔尤关系到他物或他人〕 Jessica moved to a position where she could see the stage better. 杰茜卡移到能够看舞台更清楚的位置。 Bombs were dropped on the enemy position. 炸弹被投到了敌人的阵地。 You can tell roughly what time it is by the sun's position. 根据太阳的位置大致能判断出时间。 point /pɔɪnt/ [countable noun] a particular place on a line or on a surface, especially a place that is used for measuring distances, heights etc 处;地点〔尤指用来测量距离、高度等的地方〕 The river at this point is half a mile wide. 此处河宽为半英里。 Soon they came to a point where the road divided. 他们很快来到公路的交叉口。 Ward Hill, at over 700 feet, is the island's highest point. 700多英尺的沃德山顶峰是该岛的至高点。 spot /spɒtǁspɑːt/ [countable noun] the exact place where something is or happens 〔确切的〕地点;位置 People had left flowers at the spot where the police officer was killed. 民众将鲜花放在那位警察遇难的地点。the exact/very/same etc spot The museum sits on the exact spot where gold was first discovered. 那家博物馆恰好坐落在最早发现黄金的地点。 She agreed to meet him at the same spot the next evening. 她同意第二天晚上在同一地点见他。 exact/precise location /ɪgˌzækt, prɪˌsaɪs ləʊˈkeɪʃən/ [singular noun] written the exact place where something is or happens 【书面】确切地点;确切位置 The exact location of the ship, which sank in 1857, is being kept secret. 1857年沉没的那艘船的确切位置目前保密。 A military spokesman would not reveal the exact location of the search area. 一位军方发言人不愿公开搜索地区的确切位置。 Molecular biologists have found the precise location of the gene. 分子生物学家已经发现了那个基因的确切位置。3 ways of talking about where someone or something is, where they are from etc 某人或某物在何处,从哪里来等的说法 where /weəʳ/ [] Where are you? 你在哪儿? This is where we keep all our junk. 这就是我们堆废旧杂物的地方。 I can't remember where I last saw it. 我记不起最近一次是在哪里看见的。 Could you tell me where the nearest tourist information office is? 你能告诉我最近的旅游信息中心在哪儿吗? Where are you going? 你去哪儿? Where did you buy those shoes? 这双鞋子你在哪里买的?where ... to Neighbours have no idea where the couple have moved to. 邻居们不知道那对夫妇搬到哪里去了。where to? spoken used to ask someone where they are going 【口】去哪里? ‘Would you like to come with us tonight?’ ‘Where to?’ “今晚你愿意同我们一起去吗?”“去哪里?”where ... from Where did you get that magazine from? 你从哪里买到那本杂志的?where somebody comes from In all that time Naomi never told me where she came from. 那个时候,娜奥米一直没有告诉我她是哪里的人。 whereabouts /ˈweərəbaʊts/ [adverb/conjunction] especially spoken use this when you are asking in what general area something is 【尤口】在哪儿〔用于询问某物所在的大致地方〕 Did he say whereabouts he hid it? 他说过躲在哪儿了吗? ‘I'm from Thailand.’ ‘Whereabouts?’ “我来自泰国。”“哪里?” Whereabouts in Scotland is Perthshire? 珀斯郡在苏格兰的什么地方? where on earth/where in the world /ˌweər ɒn ˈɜːʳθ, ˌweər ɪn ðə ˈwɜːʳld/ where - use this especially to show surprise or disapproval 究竟在哪里〔尤用于表示惊讶或不赞同〕 Where on earth are you going dressed like that? 你穿成那样究竟要去哪里? We've been looking for you for hours. Where in the world have you been? 我们找了你几个小时。你究竟在哪里? When he woke up, he could not remember where on earth he was. 他醒来时记不清究竟身在何处。4 in a place 在某地 in /ɪn/ [preposition] in Africa/the city/the mountains/Oxford Street etc in a country, town, area etc 在非洲/在城市/在山中/在牛津街等 ‘Where's Annie?’ ‘She's in the yard.’ “安妮在哪儿?”“她在院子里。” I'm going to a conference in Tokyo. 我打算去东京参加会议。 The plane crashed in the Andes. 飞机在安第斯山脉坠毁了。 John spent several years teaching in Zimbabwe. 约翰在津巴布韦教了几年书。 She lives in Fern Street. 她住在弗恩街。 In the park there were two football matches going on. 公园里正举行两场足球比赛。 European manufacturers are facing ever increasing competition from companies in the Far East. 欧洲的制造商正面临着远东地区的公司日趋激烈的竞争。 at /ət, strong æt/ [preposition] at the bank/the doctor's/the theatre/the airport/school etc in a place where you go for a particular purpose 在银行/在诊所/在剧院/在机场/在学校等 I'll meet you at the station at 6.30. 6点半我与你在车站见面。 Joe's at the dentist. 乔在牙医诊所。 ‘Where were you last night?’ ‘We were at a play.’ “昨天晚上你们在哪里?”“我们去看演出了。” I get the shopping done when the kids are at school. 孩子们在学校里的时候我去买了东西。 on /ɒnǁɑːn, ɔːn/ [preposition] on the island/the coast/the outskirts/Oxford Street etc on a particular piece of land 在岛上/在海滨/在郊区/在牛津街等 It's a beautiful little fishing village on the south coast. 那是南部海岸上的一个美丽的小渔村。 We could go to that Chinese restaurant on 23rd street. 我们可以去那家在第23大街上的中餐馆。 Most superstores are built on the edge of town. 大多数超级商场建在城镇边缘。5 in or to a place, when you do not know which place 在或向着某地,但不知何处 somewhere /ˈsʌmweəʳ/ [adverb] She lives somewhere near Manchester. 她住在曼彻斯特附近的某个地方。 I know I saw it somewhere, but I can't remember exactly where. 我知道在某个地方看见过它,但记不起到底是在哪儿。 From somewhere along the corridor there came the sound of laughter. 走廊上的某处传来了笑声。somewhere to live/sleep/sit etc She needs to find somewhere to live before starting her new job. 新工作开始前她需要找个住处。 someplace /ˈsʌmpleɪs/ [adverb] American informal somewhere 【美,非正式】某个地方 I want to go someplace warm on vacation. 我想去某个暖和的地方度假。 She lives someplace up near Portland, and I haven't seen her for years. 她住在波特兰附近的某个地方,我几年没见过她了。someplace to live/eat/sleep etc A lot of people who use the guide are looking for someplace to eat. 许多人利用这本指南寻找吃饭的地方。 be around /biː əˈraʊnd/ [verb phrase] to be near the place where you are or where something you are talking about is - use this when you do not know exactly where someone or something is 在近处,在附近〔用于表示不知道确切地点〕 Is Bob around? 鲍勃在附近吗? It's got to be around here somewhere. 它肯定在这附近的什么地方。 There are some good restaurants around there. 那里附近有几家好餐馆。6 in another place, not here 在别的地方,不在此地 somewhere else also someplace else American /ˌsʌmweər ˈels, ˌsʌmpleɪs ˈels/ [adverb] in or to another place 在〔去〕别的某个地方 Go and play somewhere else, I'm trying to work. 到别的什么地方去玩。我要干活。 When the landfill is full, the city will have to find someplace else to dump the garbage. 垃圾填埋地满了,那座城市得找其他地方倾倒垃圾。 If labor is cheaper somewhere else, that's where companies will go to build new factories. 要是别的地方人工更便宜,公司就会去那里建新厂。 elsewhere /elsˈweəʳ, ˈelsweəʳǁˈelsweər/ [adverb] in or to another place or other places 在〔去〕其他地方 He'll work as a freelance consultant, unless he finds a better job elsewhere. 除非在其他地方找到更好的工作,否则他就做一个自由职业顾问。 Make your home difficult to get into, and burglars will go elsewhere. 让住宅变得难以闯入,这样窃贼就会去别处了。 In North America and Europe, cats are companions for many people. Elsewhere, they are not regarded as pets. 在北美和欧洲,猫是许多人的伴侣,而在其他地方,它们不被视为宠物。elsewhere in Elsewhere in the region, conditions are significantly better. 在该地区的其他地方,条件明显较好。7 a place where someone usually is or often goes 某人通常在或去的地方 haunt /hɔːnt/ [countable noun] a place such as a bar or park that someone likes to go to often, especially in order to meet people 〔酒吧、公园等〕常去的地方〔尤为与人见面〕 Cafes like ‘Les Deux Magots’ were once the favourite haunts of French artists and intellectuals. 像“双叟”之类的咖啡馆,曾经是法国艺术家和知识分子最爱去的地方。old haunts where someone used to go at another time in their life 从前常去的地方 Johnson will be revisting all his old haunts in Washington. 约翰逊会故地重游,再看看以前在华盛顿所有常去的地方。 hangout /ˈhæŋaʊt/ [countable noun] informal a place where a particular group of people, especially young people, often go to meet, talk etc 〔尤指年轻人〕常去的地方 In New York, try one of the celebrity hangouts, such as the Russian Tea Room or Elaine's. 在纽约,到名人常去的地方看看,如俄罗斯茶室或伊莱恩餐厅。 a teenage hangout on Fountain Street 喷泉街上一个青少年常去的地方hangout for The bar is a favorite hangout for soldiers from the nearby base. 这家酒吧是附近基地士兵最爱去的地方。 somebody's place / somebodyˈs ˈpleɪs/ [noun phrase] the place where someone usually sits or stands, especially in a bar, at work, or in their home 某人常坐〔站〕的地方〔尤指在酒吧、工作地方或家中〕 Gerard was in his usual place by the fire when I reached the pub. 我到小酒馆时,杰勒德坐在火炉边他常坐的地方。take your place sit or stand in a place where you usually sit or stand 就坐;就位 The children took their places, and the teacher began calling the roll. 孩子们就座后,老师开始点名。8 when an object is in a particular place 物体在某个地方 be /bi, strong biː/ [verb not in progressive] Do you know where my keys are? 你知道我的钥匙在哪儿吗?be in/on/near/there etc The television is in the living room. 电视机在起居室里。 Your supper's in the oven. 你的晚饭在烤炉里。! There's a letter for you on the table. 桌子上有你的一封信。 stand /stænd/ [intransitive verb] to be in a particular place in an upright position 〔直立着〕在 The linoleum was dented where a washer and dryer once stood. 以前放洗衣干衣机的油地毡上有凹痕。stand in/on/near/there etc A single tall candle stood in the middle of the table. 一根长长的蜡烛立在桌子中央。 A Christmas tree stood near the fireplace. 火炉旁摆着一棵圣诞树。 lie /laɪ/ [intransitive verb] to be in a flat position on a surface - use this about paper, clothes, books, or other things that can be placed flat 〔纸、衣服、书等〕平放 lie in/on/near/there etc Several letters were lying on the table. 桌上有几封信。 The children's clothes were lying all over the bedroom floor. 孩子们的衣服横七竖八地被扔在卧室地板上。 Her packed suitcase was lying near the door. 她整理好的手提箱平放在门旁。9 when a country, town, company etc is in a particular place 一个国家、城镇、公司等在某个地方 be /bi, strong biː/ [verb not in progressive] be in/on/near/there etc Egypt is in North Africa. 埃及在北非。 The bank is on the next corner. 银行在下一个拐角上。 Can you tell me where the station is? 你能告诉我车站在哪儿吗? be located/situated /biː ləʊˈkeɪtdǁ-ˈləʊkeɪtd, ˈsɪtʃueɪtd/ [verb phrase] if a building is located/situated in a particular street, town, or area, it is in that place. Be located/situated is more formal than be. 坐落于,位于〔比be正式〕 be located/situated in/at/near/there etc The bookshop is located at 120 Charing Cross Road. 那家书店位于查令十字街120号。 A U.S. Air Force Base is located nearby. 一个美国空军基地在附近。 The Duke's home is situated in an attractive part of central London. 公爵府位于伦敦中心城区一个迷人的地方。conveniently/pleasantly/ideally situated a new hotel, conveniently situated close to the airport 一家离机场近而且便利的新酒店conveniently/pleasantly/ideally located The two fisheries are ideally located between major markets in New York and Boston. 两座渔场位于纽约和波士顿的大市场之间,位置理想。 stand /stænd/ [intransitive verb] if a building or structure stands somewhere, it is in that place 〔建筑物〕位于;坐落于 There is a parking lot now where the old school once stood. 以前是学校的地方现在是停车场。stand in/near/on there etc The house stood next to a church. 那幢房子位于教堂旁边。 be based /biː ˈbeɪst/ [verb phrase] if a company or organization is based in a place, its main offices are there 〔公司或组织〕以…为基地;设在… be based in/at The United Nations is based in New York. 联合国总部设在纽约。 More than 200 aircraft will be based at Miramar Air Force Base. 200多架飞机将驻扎在米拉马尔空军基地。London-based/Tokyo-based etc a London-based insurance company 一家总部设在伦敦的保险公司10 when something is usually kept in a place 某物一般存放在某处 go/belong /gəʊ, bɪˈlɒŋǁ-ˈlɔːŋ/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] especially spoken if something goes or belongs in a place, it should always be put there when it is not being used 【尤口】放;放置〔在该放的位置〕 Put everything back where it belongs when you're through. 使用完毕,把所有东西放回原处。go/belong in/on/under etc ‘Where do these plates go?’ ‘They go in the cupboard above the sink.’ “这些盘子放哪儿?”“放在水槽上面的橱柜里。” The books belong in the shelves, not on the floor. 这些书放在书架上,不是放在地板上。 its/their place /ɪts, ðeəʳ ˈpleɪs/ [noun phrase] the place where something is normally kept or put 原处;原位 The kids never put anything back in its place. 小孩子从来不会把东西放回原处。its/their usual place I can't find the coffee tin -- it isn't in its usual place. 我找不到咖啡罐—它不在原来的地方。11 not in any place 不在任何地方 nowhere/not anywhere /ˈnəʊweəʳ, nɒt ˈeniweəʳ/ [adverb] not in any place or to any place 不在什么地方;不去什么地方 Where's Nick? I can't find him anywhere. 尼克在哪儿?我到处都找不到他。 Yeah, I'll wait. I'm not going anywhere. 好的,我等。我哪儿也不去。 a path that seemed to lead nowhere 一条似乎不通往任何地方的小径nowhere else/not anywhere else no other place 没其他地方 In the Sonoran Desert there are plants that grow nowhere else in the country. 索诺兰沙漠生长着该国别处没有的植物。nowhere to live/sit/stay The hall was already full, and there was nowhere to sit. 大厅已挤得满满的,没有地方可坐了。 no place /ˈnəʊ pleɪs/ [adverb] American informal nowhere 【美,非正式】没有任何地方 She had no place else to live, so I let her stay in my apartment. 她没有其他住的地方,所以我让她留在我的公寓里。 I was lonely and broke with no place to go. 我孤单一人而且不名一文,没有地方可去。 We had no place else to rehearse. 我们找不到其他地方排演。

