例句 RIGHTright/correct1 answers, statements, calculations etc that are correct2 to be correct in what you say or think3 in the correct order, position etc4 in the correct way5 to make something correctright/justified6 when it is right or reasonable to do something7 to have a good reason for thinking or doing something8 to show that something is right to doright/to have the right to do something9 a legal or official right10 the political and social rights that everyone should have11 a special right belonging to one person or group12 to have or give someone a legal rightRELATED WORDSright or suitable for a particular person, job, purpose etc 对某人、某工作或目的等来说是正确的或合适的 SUITABLEmorally correct 符合道德的 GOOD (13)see alsoFAIR1 answers, statements, calculations etc that are correct 正确的回答、陈述、计算等 right /raɪt/ [adjective] if something that someone says or thinks is right, it is correct or true, especially because it contains the true facts or details 正确的〔尤因含有事实或真实的细节〕 Yes, that's the right answer. 对,回答正确。 Is that the right time? 那个时间对吗? Excuse me, but the bill isn't right - we didn't have a Caesar salad. 对不起,账单不对,我们没点过凯撒沙拉。that's right spoken ‘Your mother's a teacher, isn't she?’ ‘Yes, that's right.’ “你妈妈是个老师,对吗?”“对,没错。” correct /kəˈrekt/ [adjective] something such as an answer, fact, or calculation that is correct is true, has no mistakes etc, especially because it is the only answer or result that is possible 正确的,对的〔尤因这是唯一可能的答案或结果〕 The first ten correct answers will win a prize. 头十个正确的答案可以获奖。 This information is no longer correct. 这项资料已不再正确了。 The correct results are on page 482. 正确答案在482页上。 accurate /ˈækjɑrət/ [adjective] information, measurements, descriptions etc that are accurate are completely correct and all the details are true 〔资料、测量、描述等〕准确的,精确的 She was able to give the police an accurate description of her attacker. 她向警方准确地描述了袭击她的人的情况。 It is vital that the measurements be accurate. 测量精确是至关重要的。 The authorities still do not have accurate information on the number of people killed or injured in the crash. 当局仍没有撞车事故中死伤人数的准确资料。2 to be correct in what you say or think 说或想的是正确的 be right /biː ˈraɪt/ [verb phrase] You're right - there's not going to be enough food for everyone. 你是对的——快要没有足够的食物分给每一个人了。be right about Durrell is absolutely right about the importance of software to the local economy. 达雷尔有关软件对地方性经济的重要性的说法是完全正确的。be right about one thing say this when part of someone's opinion or what they say is right, but the rest is wrong 说对了一件事〔但其余的是错的〕 It's not a great album, but Samuels was right about one thing: it's going to sell in the millions. 这张专辑算不上杰出,但塞缪尔斯说对了一句话,那就是它的销量会达到数百万张。be right in saying/thinking etc Moore is right in saying that the present tax system is unfair. 穆尔说得对,现在的税收制度不公平。 get something right /ˌget something ˈraɪt/ [verb phrase] to say the correct facts or details when you are telling a story, describing an event etc 把某事做得准确〔弄清楚〕 Make sure you get people's names right when you're sending out the invitations. 发出请柬时务必把收信人的姓名写清楚。 ‘I learned,’ he stopped, wanting to get the words right, ‘I learned I was selfish.’ “我意识到,”他停下来,想找到合适的词汇,“我意识到了我是自私的。” be correct in saying/thinking etc /biː kəˌrekt ɪn ˈseɪ-ɪŋ/ [verb phrase] if someone is correct in saying or thinking a particular fact, the fact is correct, especially when they are not sure if it is correct or not 说得/想得没错〔尤当不肯定某事是否正确时〕 Monroe was correct in saying that unemployment has dropped in the last five years. 门罗说得没错,失业率近五年里下降了。 I believe I am correct in saying that two of the original computer languages were Cobol and Prolog. 我相信,说最早的两种计算机语言是Cobol和Prolog是对的。 The jury was correct in thinking that the prosecution had not presented a strong case. 陪审团认为控方提出的诉讼理由不充分,这看法是对的。 be on the right track /biː ɒn ðə ˌraɪt ˈtræk/ [verb phrase] to not yet know the complete answer to a question or problem, but be close to finding it because you are already partly correct 思路正确 No, that's not quite right, but you're on the right track. 不,还没全对,但你的思路是正确的。 Researchers are still a long way from finding a cure for the disease, but many seem confident they are on the right track. 研究者要找到治愈这种疾病的方法还有一大段路要走,但许多人似乎很有信心,认为他们的方向是对的。 hit the nail on the head/put your finger on it /hɪt ðə ˌneɪl ɒn ðə ˈhed, pʊt jɔːʳ ˈfɪŋgər ɒn ɪt/ [verb phrase] to say something that is exactly right and that is the answer to a problem which people have been thinking about for a long time 一针见血;准确地指出 Garson hits the nail on the head - at the heart of the abortion debate is a religious issue. 加森一针见血——关于堕胎问题的争论,其核心是宗教问题。 Wyman put his finger on it when he said the truth was complicated. 怀曼说出了问题所在:那真相很复杂。 be spot on /biː ˌspɒt ˈɒnǁ-ˌspɑːt-/ [verb phrase] British informal to be exactly right, especially by guessing correctly 【英,非正式】猜得没错 ‘Is the answer 42?’ ‘You're spot on! Well done, Mary.’ “答案是42吗?”“玛丽,你猜对了!真不错。” infallible /ɪnˈfælɪbəl, ɪnˈfæləbəl/ [adjective] someone or something that is infallible is always right and never makes mistakes - use this especially to say that this is not usually true or is extremely rare 永不出错的〔尤用于指这不一定是真的或是非常罕有的〕 Computer spell checkers are useful but far from infallible. 电脑的拼写检查很有用,但并不是从不出错的。 Juries are not infallible. Innocent people are convicted, and guilty people go free. 陪审团也不是从不犯错误的,清白的人会被定罪,有罪的人却逍遥法外。3 in the correct order, position etc 顺序、位置等正确的 right /raɪt/ [adjective] in the order, position etc that is correct or that someone thinks is correct 正确的 If you don't push the buttons in the right order, nothing will happen. 如果你不按正确顺序按按钮,那就毫无作用。 Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. 把词汇按正确顺序排列组成句子。 She pushed the hat further back on her head. ‘Does this look right?’ 她把帽子往脑后推了推问道:“这样看上去是否正好?” No, that's not quite right. Lower the left hand corner of the painting just a little more. “不,那不对。把画的左角再放低一点。” correct /kəˈrekt/ [adjective] the correct order, sequence, position etc is the exact one that is correct 正确的,对的 When arranged in the correct order, the letters will spell a word which you fill in on this grid. 这些字母如果按正确顺序排列可以拼成一个单词,把这个单词填入这个方格里。 The correct sequence of numbers must be entered to open the lock. 必须按正确顺序输入数字才能打开这把锁。 the right way up /ðə ˌraɪt weɪ ˈʌp/ [adverb] if something is the right way up, the top of it is facing up, the way it is intended to 正面朝上,顶朝上 Make sure the box is the right way up before you open it. 先确定箱子正面朝上,然后才能打开。 The picture isn't hung the right way up. 这幅画挂得上下颠倒了。 the right way round /ðə ˌraɪt weɪ ˈraʊnd/ [adverb] British if something is the right way round, the front is facing in the correct direction 【英】正面朝前〔外〕地 Maria turned the medallion the right way round on its chain. 玛丽亚把挂在链上的大奖牌转为正面朝外。 Be careful to fit the part onto the board the right way round. 当心点,要把这一块正面朝外镶到板上去。4 in the correct way 以正确的方式 correctly /kəˈrektli/ [adverb] done or said without making any mistakes or with the correct facts or details, especially when there is only one possible way, answer or result 正确地〔尤指只有一个可能的方法、答案或结果〕 We are confident the tests were carried out correctly. 我们确信试验做得很正确。 The drug is quite safe if taken correctly. 这种药使用正确的话是相当安全的。 Egg whites are correctly whipped when they hold their peaks. 如果蛋清起尖,那就打好了。 right /raɪt/ [] especially spoken something that is done right is done correctly and well, especially according to someone's own ideas or opinions 【尤口】对,正确地〔尤根据某人自己的主意或意见〕 Have I spelled your name right? 我把你的姓名拼正确了吗? Most people can't do it right the first time. 大部分人第一次都无法做对。 The government can't seem to do anything right. 这个政府看来什么事都做不对。 rightly /ˈraɪtli/ [adverb] done or said in a way that is correct, because you have all the correct facts or details 正确地 As he rightly pointed out, there is no real evidence that the president acted improperly. 正如他正确指出的那样,没有确凿证据能够证明总统的行动有不妥之处。 Buller's actions have been rightly criticized as ineffective. 布勒的行动被批评为未能奏效,这一批评很恰当。rightly or wrongly use this to show that it is true that someone feels or thinks something, even though what they feel or think may be wrong 不管对不对 Rightly or wrongly, many employees feel pushed to work longer hours. 不管对不对,许多员工都觉得被迫延长了工作时间。 properly /ˈprɒpəʳliǁˈprɑː-/ [adverb] especially British if you do something properly, you do it in the way it should be done 【尤英】正确地;适当地 He accused me of not doing my job properly. 他指责我没按正确的方式做工作。 It will take time to properly investigate the matter. 要正确地调查此事需要时间。 He questions whether the experiments were conducted properly. 他质疑实验进行得是否正确。5 to make something correct 使某物得到改正 correct /kəˈrekt/ [transitive verb] Teachers spend many hours correcting students’ assignments. 教师们花许多小时批改学生的作业。 It will take us some time to correct all the mistakes. 我们需要些时间来纠正所有错误。 Is there any way of politely correcting someone's grammar? 有何办法可以礼貌地改正别人的语法错误?correct me if I'm wrong say this when you think what you are saying is right, but you are not sure 如果我错了,请予以纠正 Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't we met before? 如果我错了就指正我,我们以前是否见过面? correction /kəˈrekʃən/ [countable noun] a mark or note correcting something on a piece of written work 〔对书面错误的〕改正;纠正 My essay was covered in corrections in red ink. 我的作文满是红笔修改痕迹。 Corrections should be pencilled into the margins. 改正要用铅笔写在页边空白处。 My Spanish teacher will point out errors, but we have to make the corrections ourselves. 我的西班牙语老师会指出错误,但我们得自己改正。 set somebody straight also put somebody straight British /ˌset somebody ˈstreɪt, ˌpʊt somebody ˈstreɪt/ [verb phrase] to tell someone the true facts when they have made a mistake, especially if you are annoyed by their mistake 纠正某人,指正某人〔尤对某人的错误生气时〕 She quickly set me straight, saying that while she enjoys her job, she works mainly for the money. 她很快纠正了我,说她确实喜欢自己的工作,但她工作主要是为了挣钱。 Your friends are always ready to put you straight when you do something stupid. 你要是做了蠢事,你的朋友总会纠正你的。set sb straight about It's time to set people straight about why he was fired - he didn't act in a professional manner. 他为什么会被开除,现在是时候向大家澄清一下误解了一他表现得不专业。 set the record straight also put the record straight British /ˌset ðə ˈrekɔːd streɪt, ˌpʊt ðə ˈrekɔːd streɪtǁ-kərd-/ [verb phrase] to tell people the true facts about something, especially in public, because you want to make it very clear that what is believed is in fact not correct 〔尤公开地〕澄清事实,纠正误导 It's time we put the record straight. The newspapers are wrong -- this factory will not be closing down. 我们该澄清一下事实了。报纸上说的有误—这家工厂是不会关闭的。 Paulson, wanting to set the record straight, called a press conference. 保尔森要澄清事实,于是召开了记者招待会。6 when it is right or reasonable to do something 做某事是正确的或合情合理的 right /raɪt/ [adjective] use this to talk about what someone has done or may do, to say that you agree with it because it seems fair or reasonable 对的,正确的 right to do something You were right to complain - the food was cold. 你投诉得对—食物是冷的。 The screenwriter was right to focus on just one aspect of a long and complicated novel. 编剧把焦点集中在一部复杂的长篇小说的一个方面,这样做是对的。the right thing to do I took a pay cut to come here, but I'm sure it was the right thing to do. 我接受了削减薪水来这里工作,但我相信这是正确的选择。do the right thing Do the right thing - turn off the TV and get the kids playing outside. 正确的做法是:关掉电视机,让孩子们到外面去玩。 justified /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd, ˈdʒʌstəfaɪd/ [adjective not usually before noun] if you say that someone is justified in doing something, or that something they do is justified, you believe what they do is reasonable in that situation 正当的,有理的 I don't think Colin's criticisms were really justified. 我认为科林的批评是十分没有道理的。be/feel justified in doing something The government feels justified in using military force to protect its own citizens. 该政府认为使用军队保护自己的公民是合理的。 The landlord may be justified in charging for any additional work that needs to be done. 也许房东对需要做的额外事情收费是合情合理的。 reasonable /ˈriːzənəbəl/ [adjective] if an action is reasonable, it is fair and sensible 〔行为〕合情合理的 Campaigners say that there is no reasonable objection to women becoming priests. 参加运动的人说没有理由反对女性当教士。it is reasonable to do something It is reasonable to expect members to pay a small fee. 希望会员支付一点会员费是很合理的。 It is reasonable to assume watching a lot of television at an early age interferes with development. 假设儿童年幼时看电视太多会影响发育是有道理的。it is reasonable that It is reasonable that a prospective employer should want to know if someone has a criminal record. 未来的雇主想要知道某雇员是否有犯罪记录是合乎情理的。 reasonably [adverb] Alison can't reasonably be expected to do the work of two people. 要求艾利森做两个人的工作是不合理的。 I don't blame somebody /aɪ ˌdəʊnt ˈbleɪm somebody/ spoken informal say this when you can understand why someone has behaved in a particular way, and you think they were right 【口,非正式】我能理解某人,我知道某人是有原因的 ‘Sheila's left her husband.’ ‘Well, I don't blame her!’ “希拉离开她丈夫了。”“噢,我知道她是有原因的!”I don't blame sb for (doing) something I don't blame you for losing your temper with Ann. 我能理解你为什么对安发火。 It may have been a joke, but you can't blame the women in the department for being angry. 那也许算是个玩笑,可是也难怪部门里的女性生气。 justifiable /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪəbəl, ˈdʒʌstəfaɪəbəl/ [adjective] a justifiable feeling, action, or reaction is acceptable because there is a good reason for it 〔感觉、行为或反应〕正当的,有理由的 Can violence ever be a justifiable method of protest? 暴力可以成为一种正当的抗议手段吗? Reed said the tax increases were not only justifiable, but unavoidable. 里德说增税不仅是合理的,而且也是不能避免的。 Is football a justifiable expense when the college cannot afford enough English classes to meet students’ needs? 学院没钱开办足够的英语课来满足学生的需要,那足球难道就是一笔合情合理的开销吗? justifiably [adverb] The company can justifiably claim that it has met all its obligations. 该公司有理由称自己已经承担了所有应承担的义务。 legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtəmət, ləˈdʒɪtəmət/ [adjective] fair, correct, or reasonable according to accepted rules, facts, or standards of behaviour 合法的;正当的;合理的 He had a legitimate reason for being late. 他迟到是有正当的理由的。 The way governments treat their people is a legitimate concern for the international community. 政府对待其人民的方式是国际社会合理关切的问题。it is legitimate to do something It is legitimate to suggest that taxes should affect people with higher incomes more than they affect poorer people. 建议税收应该对高收入人士而不是低收入人士影响更多,这是合理的。 legitimately [adverb] You could legitimately argue that the best way to bring down pollution levels is to ban cars completely. 你可以正当地提出理由,说明减少污染的最佳办法就是完全禁止使用汽车。7 to have a good reason for thinking or doing something 有充分的理由想或做某事 have a right to be scared/proud/happy etc /hæv ə ˈraɪt tə biː ˌskeəʳd/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have a good reason to behave in a particular way, especially in a way that you would not normally behave, or in a way that other people would usually disapprove of 有理由恐惧/自豪/愉快等〔尤指正常不会这样表现,或其他人一般反对〕 She's just got her exam results; she has the right to be proud of herself. 她刚知道自己的考试成绩,她有充分的理由感到自豪。 The problems are genuine and people have the right to be concerned. 问题确实存在,人们有理由感到担心。have every right to be something have a very good reason to feel something 有充分理由做某事 After what happened last time we bought a car, I think we have every right to be wary. 我们上次买车出事后,我想我们有充分的理由要谨慎小心。 justly /ˈdʒʌstli/ [adverb] if you are justly proud, angry, critical etc, you have a good reason for feeling this way or reacting in this way 应得地,有充分理由地 The Chinese are justly proud of their ancient culture. 中国人有理由为自己的古代文化感到自豪。 The press has been justly critical of the delays in paying compensation. 报界有理由对拖延支付赔偿的事进行批评。 Bordeaux is an area of France justly famous for its red wine. 波尔多是法国一个名副其实以其红葡萄酒闻名的地方。 good cause/reason /ˌgʊd ˈkɔːz, ˈriːzən/ [adverb] if someone does something, feels something, or thinks something with good cause or good reason, they have a good reason for what they do or think or feel 充分的理由,充足的理由 have good cause/reason to do something The coach, watching his team, feels he has good reason to expect them to win. 这位教练看着自己的球队时,感到有充分的理由期待他们获胜。for good cause/reason The company has been held up as a model employer, and for good reason. They have a good training program and excellent benefits. 该公司被奉为模范雇主,这是有充足理由的。他们有出色的培训计划以及优厚的福利待遇。with good cause/reason She is a jealous wife, and with good cause. 她是个妒忌心很强的妻子,这的确也有其原因。 rightly /ˈraɪtli/ [adverb] formal if someone says or does something rightly, they are right and have good reasons to say it or do it 【正式】有充分理由地 The U.S. is rightly cautious about becoming involved. 美国对介入持谨慎态度是有充分的理由的。 Taxpayers rightly expect the government to be careful about spending. 纳税人当然有理由希望政府在开支方面要仔细慎重。rightly so Residents are outraged, and rightly so. 居民们感到极为愤慨,这是很自然的。quite rightly Investors have quite rightly avoided this stock. 投资者避开这股票是有充分理由的。8 to show that something is right to do 表示某事做得对 justify /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ, ˈdʒʌstəfaɪ/ [transitive verb] to explain or show that there are good reasons for doing something that seems wrong to most people 证明…有理 How can you justify a 200% pay rise! 对加薪200%你如何解释! People try to justify the breakdown of their marriage by blaming their spouse. 人们试图通过把责任归咎于配偶来为婚姻失败作辩解。justify doing something I don't think anyone can justify spending so much money on weapons. 我认为谁都无法为花费这么多军费作合理解释。9 a legal or official right 法律上的或正式的权力 right /raɪt/ [singular noun] when you should be able to have or do something, according to the law or according to moral ideas 权利 Free speech is a basic right in a democratic society. 言论自由是民主社会的一项基本权利。right to I disagree, but I respect his right to his opinion. 我不同意,但我尊重他发表个人意见的权利。the right to do something Women all over the world fought long and hard for the right to vote. 世界各地的女性为争取投票权进行了长期而艰苦的斗争。have the right to something Everyone the right to a good basic education. 人人都有接受良好的基础教育的权利。the right of veto/action/self-determination/free speech etc The executive council has the right of veto over the management's policy. 行政会议有权否决管理部门的政策。 freedom /ˈfriːdəm/ [uncountable noun] the right to do, say, think, or write something without being controlled or stopped by anyone 自由〔权利〕 freedom of No democracy can exist without freedom of speech and freedom of the press. 没有言论自由和新闻自由就不可能存在民主。freedom to do something This change in the law will give parents more freedom to influence their children's education. 法律的这项变革使家长有更多影响孩子教育的自由。political/religious etc freedom The leaders of the demonstration made speeches demanding greater political freedom. 示威游行的领导者发表演说要求更多的政治自由权。 entitlement /ɪnˈtaɪtlmənt/ [countable/uncountable noun] the official right to have or receive something, especially money, that you get from a government or an employer 〔从政府或雇主处拥有或获得某物,尤指金钱的〕权利 Many people are still not aware of the entitlements they may be able to receive. 许多人仍未意识到那些他们可能享受到的权利。entitlement to The amount of money you earn does not affect your entitlement to child benefit for your children. 你挣钱多少不会影响你为孩子领取儿童津贴的权利。holiday/pension etc entitlement Holiday entitlements for temporary workers are less than for permanent staff. 临时工可享有的假期比固定员工的要短。 claim /kleɪm/ [countable noun] the right to have or be given something because you were its original owner, or because you have a moral right to it 权利;所有权;要求权 claim to No one can dispute the Mohawks’ claim to this land. 没有人能对莫霍克人拥有这片土地的权利表示异议。 His claim to the house was finally recognized by the court. 他对这所房子的所有权终于得到了法庭的承认。 rights /raɪts/ [plural noun] the legal control or possession of something such as a product, a book, an idea etc 〔产品、书或意念等的〕专有权;产权 Elliott liked the book and bought the rights, planning to make it into a miniseries. 埃利奥特喜欢这本书并买下其版权,打算把它拍成电视连续短剧。rights to This is the publishing company which brought the rights to Somerset Maugham's short stories. 是这家出版公司获得了萨默塞特·毛姆短篇小说的出版权。 ABC has exclusive rights to television coverage of the Olympics. 美国广播公司获得了奥运会的独家电视转播权。 by right /baɪ ˈraɪt/ [adverb] if something is yours by right, you have a moral right to have it or be given it 根据正当权利,按理 He believes that he is entitled by right to inherit from his father, despite his father's will. 他相信尽管父亲立了遗嘱,他还是有权继承父亲的财产的。 Developers were met by angry locals protesting that the land was theirs by right. 开发商遭到愤怒的当地居民抗议,说那片土地按理是他们的。10 the political and social rights that everyone should have 每个人应享有的政治和社会权利 rights /raɪts/ [plural noun] the political and social freedom that everyone in a country should have 权利 Every individual should have basic rights. 每个人都应享有基本的权利。rights of Some motorcyclists saw the helmet law as an infringement on the rights of the individual. 有些摩托车驾驶者把头盔法视为对其人权的侵犯。women's/workers’/victims’ etc rights Laws enacted in the past ten years have gradually taken away workers’ rights. 过去十年里制定的法律已逐渐剥夺了工人的权利。 Allred is an attorney who has gained a national reputation fighting for women's rights. 奥尔雷德是一名因争取妇女权利而在国内赢得了声名的律师。 civil rights /ˌsɪvəl ˈraɪts/ [plural noun] the rights that every person should have, such as the right to vote or be treated equally and fairly by the law, whatever their sex, race, or religion 公民权 She had been actively involved in the struggle for civil rights in the US in the '60s. 60年代她在美国积极参与争取公民权利的斗争。 The President has agreed to talks with civil rights campaigners. 总统已同意与公民权利活动家进行会谈。 The civil rights movement illustrates how people can change the constitution of their country. 公民权利运动说明了人民如何能改革自己国家的宪法。 human rights /ˌhjuːmən ˈraɪts/ [plural noun] the basic right that all people should have, including freedom and the right to be treated fairly and without cruelty by their government 人权 The Court ruled that hitting children was an abuse of human rights. 法院裁定,殴打儿童是一种侵犯人权的行为。 A number of leading human rights activists were arrested yesterday. 几名人权活动领袖昨日被捕。 The regime has a long record of human rights violations. 该政权有长期违反人权的记录。 equal rights /ˌiːkwəl ˈraɪts/ [plural noun] the rights of every person to be treated fairly and equally by the law or by society, whatever their sex, race, religion, or social position 〔法律上或社会上的〕平等权利 The battle for equal rights for women is not yet over. 争取妇女平等权利的斗争尚未结束。 The Americans were the first to make law the principle of equal rights for every individual. 美国人最早将人人平等的原则写进法律。 Homosexual men and women are campaigning for equal rights. 同性恋男女在为自己争取平等的权利。 equal opportunities /ˌiːkwəl ɒpəˈtjuːntizǁ-ɑːpərˈtuː-/ [plural noun] the right of every person to have a chance to get a job, go to university etc, whatever their sex, race, or social position 〔就业、上大学等的〕平等机会 Only in a completely classless society can there be equal opportunities for everyone. 只有在一个完全没有阶级的社会里,每个人才可以享受平等的机会。equal opportunities legislation/programs etc Certain jobs were dominated by men until the equal opportunities legislation of the 1970s. 20世纪70年代平等机会立法以前,有些工作主要由男性承担。 civil liberties /ˌsɪvəl ˈlɪbəʳtiz/ [plural noun] the rights of any citizen to do whatever they want as long as they respect the rights of other people, without having to ask anyone's permission, and the right to keep their personal information private 公民自由〔权〕 The banning of public meetings was held to be a denial of civil liberties. 禁止公众集会被认为是一种剥夺公民自由权的行为。 The ability of this software to gather information about individuals through the Web is worrying to civil liberties groups. 这软件具有从网上收集个人资料的功能,这使公民自由权利组织感到担忧。11 a special right belonging to one person or group 属于某人或某一团体的特殊权利 privilege /ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒ, ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ/ [countable noun] a special right or advantage given to a person or group, because of their high social position, because they are a member of a club etc 〔因社会地位高或因属于某一俱乐部等而享有的〕特权;特别待遇 A good education should not just be a privilege of the rich. 良好的教育不应该只是富人的特权。give somebody a privilege Why should famous people be given special privileges? 为什么名人就应该享有特权?lose a privilege If the chores aren't done by the time the timer goes off, the kids lose privileges such as TV time. 定时器响时如果还没做好家务,孩子们就失去了诸如看电视之类的特权。the privilege of doing something If prisoners behave well they are allowed the privilege of visiting their families at the weekend. 犯人如果表现良好,就可以享受周末回家探亲的特权。 privileged [adjective] Only privileged club members those who have privileges can sit in the Royal Pavilion to watch matches. 只有享受优惠条件的俱乐部会员才可以坐在“皇家亭阁”上看比赛。 prerogative /prɪˈrɒgətɪvǁ-ˈrɑː-/ [countable noun] formal a special right that only a particular person or group has because of their importance or position 【正式】〔因某人或团体的重要性或地位而享有的〕独有的权利,特权 In the old days, a university education was the prerogative of the rich. 在过去,大学教育是富人独有的权利。prerogative to do something The governor has the prerogative to free prisoners. 这位典狱长有释放囚犯的特权。 birthright /ˈbɜːʳθraɪt/ [singular noun] a right that you should have because you have been born into a particular family, country, class etc 与生俱来的权利 The President ended his speech by saying ‘Dignity and self-respect are the birthright of every American citizen.’ 总统在演讲的最后说:“尊严和自尊是每一位美国公民与生俱来的权利。” She seemed to regard an easy, comfortable life as some kind of birthright. 她好像把轻松舒适的生活看作是一种与生俱来的权利。12 to have or give someone a legal right 拥有或给予某人合法权利 have the right /ˌhæv ðə ˈraɪt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be legally or officially allowed to do or have something 有权 have the right to do something People should have a right to know what is on their credit history. 人们应该有权了解自己的信用记录。 We have a constitutional right to defend ourselves, our family, and our property. 我们享有宪法规定的权利保护自己、家人及自己的财产。have the right to Olivia felt she had a right to information about her illness. 奥利维娅觉得她有权知道自己的病情。 be entitled to /biː ɪnˈtaɪtld tuː/ [verb phrase] formal to be legally allowed to have something or do something 【正式】有权〔指法律允许的权利〕 The public is entitled to information about how public money is spent. 公众有权了解公款是如何花费的。be entitled to do something You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you bought them. 法律上你有权把有瑕疵的产品退还给你购物的商店。 Your landlord is not entitled to charge you for the remainder of the month's rent. 房东无权向你收取本月余下日期的租金。 give somebody the right /ˌgɪv somebody ðə ˈraɪt/ [verb phrase] to legally or officially allow someone to do or have something 给某人权利;使某人有权 give sb the right to This government programme gives families on low incomes the right to extra financial help. 政府的这个计划使低收入家庭享有额外的经济资助。give sb the right to do something The new regulations give dissatisfied customers the right to receive a full refund. 新规定使不满意的顾客有权得到全额退款。 entitle /ɪnˈtaɪtl/ [transitive verb] formal to legally or officially allow someone to do or have something 【正式】使…有〔法律上的或正式的〕权利 entitle somebody to something Being a member entitles you to discounts on tickets. 会员买票可享折扣优惠。entitle somebody to do something Ethiopian Jews were entitled to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return. 按《回归法》的规定,埃塞俄比亚的犹太人有权移民到以色列。 be within your rights /biː wɪðˌɪn jɔːʳ ˈraɪts/ [verb phrase] to have a legal right to do something, although it may seem unfair or unreasonable 是你的权利;你有权〔尽管这似乎不公平或不合理〕 If Mrs Cobb wanted to take the company to court for unfair dismissal, she'd be within her rights. 如果科布夫人因为被无理开除而想要与公司对簿公堂,这是她的权利。be within your rights to do something If your actions have disturbed other tenants, your landlady is within her rights to give you notice to stop the actions or leave. 如果你的行为妨碍了其他房客,房东太太就有权通知你停止该行为或者搬走。

