ARESAmateur Radio Emergency Services
ARESAdvanced Reservation Systems, Inc
ARESAvailability, Reliability and Security (International Conference)
ARESAerial Reconfigurable Embedded System (drone)
ARESAutomated Realtime Execution Suite
ARESAmerican Real Estate Society
ARESAssociation for Real Estate Securitization (Japan)
ARESAlternative Retail Electric Supplier (Illinois)
ARESAstromaterials Research and Exploration Science
ARESAdvanced Rheometric Expansion System (Rheometric Scientific, Inc.)
ARESAccommodation and Real Estate Services
ARESAffordable Responsive Spacelift
ARESArchitectural Reasoning for Embedded Systems (ESPRIT Project 20477)
ARESAdministrative Resource Enterprise Services
ARESArchitectures of Networks of Services (France)
ARESAdvanced Research Electromagnetic Simulator
ARESAdvanced Regional Exploratory System
ARESAgent Rescue Emergency Simulator
ARESAir Replacement Engineered Systems
ARESAdministrativní Registr Ekonomických Subjektu (Czech: Access to Registers of Economic Subjects)
ARESArmy of Rage Elite Soldiers (gaming)
ARESAdvanced Research and Experiments in Sensing
ARESAutomated Risk Evaluation System
ARESAdvanced Research EMP Simulator
ARESAutomated Reliability Estimation System
ARESAtlas Régional des Éléments Sensebles (French: Sensitivity Mapping Atlas)
ARESAssociation of Retired ESA (European Space Agency) Staff
ARESAdvanced Reentry System
ARESAgile Responsive Effectiveness Support
ARESAdaptable Range Exercise System (telemetry)