SULSuper Ultralight (backpacking)
SULState University Libraries
SULStiff Upper Lip (band)
SULSee You Later
SULSingle User Login (Wikimedia Foundation)
SULSyracuse University Library (New York)
SULSecretariado Uruguayo de la Lana (Spanish)
SULSafe Upper Limit (supplements)
SULSituation Unit Leader (various organizations)
SULSmall Unit Leader
SULScience Undergraduate Laboratory (California)
SULShimane University Library (Shimane, Japan)
SULSuggested Users List (social networks)
SULSchwertransporte Umschlag und Lagerlogistik (German: Heavy Transport and Storage Logistics Handling)
SULSmall Unit Logistics (USMC Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration)
SULSelf Unloader (bulk cargo vessel with own unloading system)
SULSoftware Usage List
SULSimplified User Logistics
SULStrategic Unit Leader
SULSaturated Unilateral Link