HWGHTML Writers Guild
HWGHazardous Waste Generator (various organizations)
HWGHtml Working Group
HWGHealth Working Group (various organizations)
HWGHessisches Wassergesetz (Hessian Water Act)
HWGHamburgisches Wegegesetz (German: Hamburg Roads Act)
HWGHere We Go
HWGHippies with Guns
HWGHenry Wine Group (Benicia, CA)
HWGHiding with Girls (band)
HWGHäufig Wechselnder Geschlechtsverkehr (German: promiscuous behavior)
HWGHarmonization Working Group
HWGHeavy Weapons Guy (gaming, Team Fortress Classic)
HWGHollow Waveguide (Qinetiq, UK)
HWGHeywood Williams Group (UK)
HWGHarris, Wiltshire, Grannis (law firm; Washington, DC)
HWGHome Wireless Gateway (software)
HWGHeater, Water, Gas
HWGHardware Guy (radio show)
HWGHansen-Woodyard Gain
HWGHighWay Gamers (gaming community)