
词组 find
释义 find /faɪnd/ SEE ALL
find ˈfault (with sb/sth)look for faults or mistakes in sb/sth, often so that you can criticize them/it 挑毛病;找茬儿He’s always finding fault with the children, even when they are doing nothing wrong.
I can find no fault with this essay; it’s the best I’ve ever read.
OPP sing sb’s/sth’s praises
find your ˈfeet (informal) become used to a new job, place, etc. and start functioning well 适应新的工作(或环境等)After moving from teaching to industry, it took her a long time to find her feet in a very different job.
(not) find it in your heart to ˈdo sth ( (not) find it ˈin yourself to do sth) (literary) (not) be able to persuade yourself to do sth (不)愿意做某事I wish you could find it in your heart to forgive her.
I can’t find it in myself to criticize her work after she’s tried so hard.
find your ˈvoice/ˈtongue (informal) finally be able to speak after being too nervous or shy to do so 终于能够(克服紧张或羞涩)开口说话He sat silent through the first half of the meeting before he found his tongue.
find your/its ˈway (to/into…)come to a place or a situation by chance or without intending to 偶然进入;无意间来到After several other jobs, he eventually found his way into acting.
take sb as you ˈfind themaccept sb as they are without expecting them to behave in a special way or have special qualities 接受某人的现状;对某人不抱特殊的期望The house is in chaos, so when you come you must take us as you find us.
find/get your ˈbearingsfind out exactly where you are, or the details of the situation you are in, especially when this is new and unfamiliar (尤指身处全新或陌生环境时)确定自己的位置,明白自己的处境,熟悉环境We got off the bus right in the centre of town and it took us a moment or two to get our bearings.我们在市中心下了公共汽车,过了好一会儿才辨明了方位。I’ve only been in the job for a week so I’m still finding my bearings.我干这份工作才一个星期,所以还处在熟悉适应阶段。find/meet your ˈmatch (in sb)meet sb who is as good at doing sth as you are, and perhaps better 遇到对手;棋逢敌手;旗鼓相当He thought he could beat anyone, but he’s finally found his match.他以为自己天下无敌,但是终于遇到了对手。As a saleswoman, she’s met her match in Lorna.作为销售员,她碰到了对手,这就是洛娜。like looking for/trying to find a ˌneedle in a ˈhaystackvery difficult to find 大海捞针How can we ever find the quotation if you don’t even know what part of the book it comes from? It’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.你连这句话在书的哪部分都不知道,我们怎么找得到呢?这简直是大海捞针。scratch ˌA and you’ll find ˈB (used to speak about particular types of people in general 泛指某类型的人) carefully consider or examine sb/sth and you will find that they are different from their outside appearance 除去甲的外衣你会发现其本质就是乙Scratch a senator from Texas and you’ll find a cowboy.剥掉得克萨斯州参议员的外衣,牛仔的真面目就暴露出来了。

