
音标: 英 [wɪð'həʊldɪŋ] 美 [wɪθˈholdɪŋ, wɪð-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 扣缴税款

n. the act of deducting from an employee's salary
n. the act of holding back or keeping within your possession or control


1. Subtract federal withholding, medicare, social security, state disability, state withholding and insurance, voila, net total.

去掉联邦扣缴所得税 医疗和社会保险 州伤残保险 州扣缴所得税还有商保 这就是净收入

2. Withholding it from you caused such anguish.


3. They withhold it, they *other the fire.

它们减少氧气 就能熄灭火

4. So summon him and withhold your approval.

那么就找他过来 告诉他你的不认可

5. Until you choose me, I'm withholding sex.

在你选择我之前 我拒绝*

6. And that you chose to withhold that information from me.

而且你故意 向我隐瞒这些情况

7. And you chose to withhold who the father was.


8. You are connected to this, and you are withholding information.

你和这些有关系 你还在隐瞒信息

9. Yes, but to withhold an opinion, you have to have an opinion.

是的 但是要保留意见 你首先必须有自己的意见

10. If you withhold, if you manipulate, if you lie... you die.

如果你有所保留 有所篡改 如果你撒谎 我会杀了你
