
音标: 英 [ˈsɜ:tn] 美 [ˈsɚtn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 确定的, 某一个的, 必然的
[法] 确凿的, 无疑的, 可靠的

s. definite but not specified or identified
a. having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured
a. established beyond doubt or question; definitely known
a. certain to occur; destined or inevitable


1. The light only comes through certain openings, certain hours, on certain days.

阳光只会在某几天的某几个时间段 通过特定的几个入口

2. I was certain of it, certain that I would matter to people.


3. I'm certain that they're certain the odds are in their favor.


4. It describes the probability that a particle will behave in a certain way in a certain place in a certain time.

它描述了一个粒子 在特定时间特定地点 按特定方式运动的可能性

5. And she had indications that if we went to a certain place at a certain time, we would enter the dimension and make contact with a certain person.

她说过如果我们在特定的时间 去特定的地方 就能进入那个维度 就能和某个人取得联系

6. And yesterday, a certain princess may or may not have seen much of your world with a certain man, and she certainly might be eternally grateful.

昨天 某公主 可能大概也许和某名男子 一起游览他生活的世界 她永远感激他

7. Certainly, certainly, we take this matter very seriously.

当然 当然 我们也十分严肃看待此事

8. But I am certain, 100% certain, that we can work this out.

但我能完全肯定 我们会有办法的

9. Why you feel a certain way, why you are a certain way.

为什么你有这样的感觉 为什么你是这样的人

10. Certain trains can only take you to certain destinations.

